Understanding LinkedIn Algorithm In 2023

A lot of users have this perception that LinkedIn is all commercial. I mean, can you blame them? The app itself is masquerading as an all-business software.

But let’s be honest, LinkedIn aside from business is more of a social network. Like all social media platforms, it too runs on a set of rules, the algorithm.

If you are not abiding by the algorithm, your content won’t reach your desired demographic, and as the saying goes, if your product isn’t reaching your target audience then your existing engagement is as good as zilch.

The LinkedIn algorithm works on a set of rules that determine who will see your content and when. Mastering the LinkedIn feed and search algorithm collectively can make your post go viral. Your B2B marketing strategies will also benefit from it. Value and consistency in content is the ultimate key.

If you are a B2B marketer, then you already know why LinkedIn is important for you, whether you like it or not. To really make your mark among millions of professionals, you need to master the algorithm.

If you’re struggling with it, then don’t worry, I am here to save the day. Read on because this is the ultimate guide to the LinkedIn algorithm in 2023.


1/ What Is The LinkedIn Algorithm?

In the simplest terms, LinkedIn Algorithm is a set of factors and rules that determine who sees what posts on the platform. But is it really that simple? Well, for starters, if it was, you wouldn’t be reading this blog.

The topics, niches, and people one follows decides what kind of posts one sees on their feed. And trust me, it’s no piece of cake either. The algorithm has been polished over the years to suit the objectives of the software. On one hand, it becomes more efficient and easier to use. On the other hand, the rules become stricter, and thus complex.

LinkedIn has over 800 million users. There are almost a billion posts every day and each post is accounted for and goes through the algorithm to reach the right audience.

In the last few years, the LinkedIn algorithm has been wired in such a manner that it benefits not only the popular users but every user to ever exist on the platform. Here’s how.

LinkedIn’s algorithm was changed in 2019 due to research that revealed that the most popular users had no problem getting the maximum relevant engagement, but the rest of the users had issues with getting their content seen.

Hence, LinkedIn updated the algorithm so that everyone can be visible and better known and that every user has the same possibility of achieving success.

2/ Types Of LinkedIn Algorithms

Let’s be clear on one thing, LinkedIn itself doesn’t decide the audience, it is your strategies and content that push the algorithm to choose a specific demographic to show your content to. If the said audience interacts with your content well, then your post goes on to similar users.

On the downside, the initial audience may not react to your content at all if your post is unrelated to their interests. This happens when you’re not strategizing well. This is exactly why it is essential to identify your audience and understand the algorithm.

Here are the two LinkedIn algorithms that work together:

Search Algo

LinkedIn Search Algorithm decides where and how your profile appears in the search options. It works by analyzing the kind of users an individual is connected with, what content they react to, what they are searching for, and what they click on.

Here are some basic ways to optimize your profile to make sure that you appear the most on searches of the audience that you are targeting.

  • Including your relevant job title helps to showcase your experience within different or similar roles and can help highlight you are suitable for a particular role.
  • Having a public profile on and off LinkedIn shows transparency and leads to more people cruising through your profile thus making it more searchable.
  • Using relevant keywords attracts the relevant audience. Use multiple. For example, if you are a marketer, then ‘marketing’ is not the only keyword in your profile; use more like your field of marketing, your key techniques, your key platforms, etc.
  • Using a professional headshot gives off a great first impression and attracts the audience. LinkedIn calls it the ‘virtual handshake.’
  • Have a complete profile to show that you are truly a professional. Show that you know what you are doing, you have the required qualifications and experience.
  • Be consistently active on LinkedIn. The more active you are, the more your searchability increases. Using it for merely 10 minutes a day also does the task.

LinkedIn Feed Algo

LinkedIn Feed Algorithm is a product of automated technology and a team of professionals. It is designed to ensure that there is only relevant content on the feed and not any spam or unwanted content.

LinkedIn’s feed algorithm works on four key factors:

  • Engagement
  • Quality
  • Relevance
  • Frequency

Here’s how you can appear more often on the feed of both your followers and the demographic that doesn’t follow you:

  • Be opinionated and post content that drives engagement and convinces your audience to start a discussion.
  • Engage with content of other users who belong to the same niche. This helps you to become a part of the community.
  • Using relevant hashtags that have keywords easily identified by LinkedIn’s search engine.
  • Avoid monotony. Use articles, pictures, videos, carousels, and more on your specified topic to get more engagement.
  • Try to start discussions on specific topics rather than broader areas discussed on every other platform.

Mastering both the feed algorithm and the search algorithm is a tricky business. It is absolutely mandatory that you are consistent and patient with your strategies. Only then can you understand the workings of LinkedIn in detail.

Each of these carries a comprehensive significance. Even though some marketers prioritize the feed algorithm more than the search algorithm, I would recommend you try mastering both of them in order to truly beat the algorithm.

3/ How Does It Work In 2023?

If you really want to make your content be seen by the relevant audience, then knowing how the algorithm changes from time to time is of utmost need.

This doesn’t need to be said, that providing value should be your prime significance, but when you are on LinkedIn, your priority needs to be appeasing the algorithm while also providing value.

If you fail to do so, your content might get buried in purgatory. Worry not, I am here to make you understand how LinkedIn will work in 2023. It is always better to understand the algorithm by taking the current year as a pretext.

Here are the three key steps of the algorithm:

Spam OR Genuine?

The first step to determining the audience of a post is by boxing its content in one of these boxes- spam, low-quality and high-quality. LinkedIn does that by considering a wide range of factors.

For instance, a post that contains grammatical errors or has too many links may end up in the spam folder.

Over-posting (every 3-4 hours) and tagging too many people can also be red flags in this case.

A low-quality post doesn’t come under spam, but it still doesn’t reach the ideal audience because the best practices have not been followed. Here’s how your low-quality content can turn into high-quality content:

  • Simple yet impactful way of writing.
  • Provide just the right amount of value.
  • Use minimum and relevant hashtags.
  • Incorporate keywords into your content.
  • Tag the relevant people only who are most likely to respond.
  • Use interactive elements of media when you can.

You’ll Be Tested!

Once the algorithm has established that your post isn’t spam, it tests your content by showing it to a handful of people.

The engagement is then analyzed. Likes? Yes. Comments? Yes. Shares? Definitely. If there is a high amount of engagement, then your post is shown to more people.

Unfortunately, if this is not how it turns out, or worse, if your content is reported as spam, the algorithm won’t be bothered to push it any further.

This whole process takes place in roughly the first ninety minutes of your post. That’s the time that decides your post’s overall performance.

Pass LinkedIn’s test with the help of these tips:

  • Post consistently so your followers don’t forget you.
  • Post at a relevant time, a time your maximum followers are active. This will require experimentation.
  • Try to start discussions by asking questions or prompting one.
  • Respond to any feedback from your followers.
  • Provide value in every post. Don’t post just for the sake of it.
  • Stick to your niche. Your followers follow you for a reason, don’t take that away.

LinkedIn Rewards You!

Once your post qualifies as high-quality content, the algorithm sends it out to a wider audience thus increasing your audience. If more of your followers and connections see it, random users with an interest in that topic will also have a high probability to view it. And if your post performs too well, then strangers with similar interests from all over the world will be interacting with your content.

If your content is Too good, then more people will chime in every time there is newer engagement, and the process goes on until the discussions eventually die out.

4/ Try These New Features

Now that you know how the algorithm works, try out these recently launched features that are algorithm-friendly in 2023 to improve your experience.

  • Live Videos
  • Merge Accounts
  • Video Meetings
  • Edit messages after sending
  • Reactions
  • Name pronunciation audios
  • AI Feedback to Streamline the Hiring Process
  • Carousel images

Wrap Up

Now that you know how the algorithm works, you must have realized why some users have thousands of likes and comments whereas some barely have five.

The point of this whole system is to ensure a fair chance for every single user. Strategize well and use tactics that convince the algorithm to rank your content at a high position.

I think you’re ready to level up your game!

Feel free to schedule a call with a team of experts at Growth Chime for any further experience. Give us the chance to ensure a smooth marketing journey for you!


  1. Is LinkedIn a search engine?
    It may be classified as one, however, other search engines like Google and Bing return web pages, while the LinkedIn search returns user profiles.
  2. Do I need a huge following for my posts to go viral?
    Well, that depends.
    While a huge following does increase your chances, there are a lot of factors that determine the virality of a post. Your post can still go viral if it is strategized well.
  3. How should I write in my Bio?
    Be precise. Make use of all the relevant keywords that describe you professionally. Try using a call-to-action and leave a contact option, preferably your email address.
  4. Why is interacting with other people’s content important?
    On LinkedIn, the algorithm will promote your content if you have a lot of engagement within the first hour. Cross-interactions between users can be mutually beneficial in this case.
  5. How many hashtags should I use?
    Unlike platforms like Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn doesn’t believe in using hashtags to their total capacity. The algorithm believes in being specific, so using 2-3 relevant hashtags gets the work done.

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