9 Ways To Win The LinkedIn Algorithm

In my last blog, I talked about the basics of the LinkedIn algorithm; the ‘what’ and the ‘whys’. But I didn’t tell you about the ‘how’.

Well, this blog is all about telling you how you can strategize your way through the strict rules of the algorithm and ultimately win it!

Professionals all over the world are more connected than ever, thanks to the advancing features of LinkedIn. It is the perfect fit for almost every professional status, be it for students, or job seekers & recruiters, or executives & employees, or marketers.

For businesses, LinkedIn is the best platform to build your brand. However, winning the algorithm is essential. You need to develop a relevant demographic, post valuable and engaging content and plan strategically. Follow your niche, use hashtags and your post will be on top of your follower’s feed.

However, does the algorithm make this task easy? Well, the truth is that the algorithm ensures a fair existence for all users, be it the most popular ones or the ones with zero connections. But here’s the downside, it’s the same rules that can bring your traffic down!

Worry not, because I will be telling you 9 surefire ways to Win the algorithm!


1/ When Are You Posting?

When you are on any kind of networking platform, you end up being a content creator (or curator) too whether you like it or not. And the thing about content is that timing is everything!

It is necessary that you post at a time when there is a maximum activity from your audience. However, the process of analyzing when most of your demographic is online is a time-consuming process. It requires patience, consistency, and experimentation.

Here are some key points to take into account:

  • The best day of the week is usually considered the weekdays, with Tuesday and Wednesday having the highest amount of engagement.
  • Since it is a professional platform, weekends have the least traffic.
  • You can use time zones to your advantage by scheduling your posting times based on your key demographic.
  • Most statistics show that engagement drops after working hours on weekdays, 5 pm in most cases.
  • You can analyze your LinkedIn analytics by recording them in a spreadsheet to get a clear cut schedule for posting that drives the most traffic.

As a professional who creates content on LinkedIn, it is important that you focus on niche and relevance. ‘Niche’ is a specific segment of the market where a creator specializes.

To achieve this, there’s a single rule:
Know your audience – Analyze. Research. Strategize.

Know what interests your audience. See what they care about the most. Make sure that there’s a collision between your audience’s interests and your expertise because otherwise, you are targeting the wrong demographic.

Creators also need to remember that relevance needs to be maintained not only in content but also in the format of the content. Media is getting more important now and it is essential that you use the most relevant formats of media. Statistics show that:

  • Posts with visuals such as images get twice as many comments and likes than only-text posts.
  • LinkedIn videos drive more traffic due to their complex format; it drives five times the engagement than the usual text posts.
  • Carousel posts fill the gaps between short video posts and single-image posts, thus delivering an equally good engagement.

3/ Hashtags For The Win!

LinkedIn, like other media platforms, has also started prioritizing hashtags. However, does it work the same way? Let’s see.

So, the creator mode allows users to put 5 hashtags on their profile on top showcasing how valuable they are. On the other hand, there are two kinds of hashtags for posts: broad hashtags and niche hashtags.

Broad hashtags like #marketing have a huge amount of followers and thus can help you get more engagement and maybe, followers. Whereas niche hashtags like #linkedincopywriting focus more on a specific topic and give you a more relevant audience for your content.

Here’s what I suggest you do:

  • Decide the top 5 hashtags for your creator profile based on your research on the hashtag’s relevance, niche, number of followers, and where it stands in the industry.
  • Use 3-5 hashtags on your posts ONLY. LinkedIn doesn’t believe in the usage of maximum hashtags; it needs you to be precise and relevant.
  • Keep a balance between broad and niche hashtags, and use the ratio of 2:1 (more broad ones) to use this feature to its maximum benefit.

4/ Building Relevant Demographic

Your followers and your connections represent the initial audience of your content. If your demographic isn’t built based on credibility and relevance, then your content would be generating no value despite having quality.

A relevant audience will find value in your content and niche. They might be students, employees, executives, or literally anyone else. They might be following you because you belong to a similar industry or merely because your content interests them.

Here are some tips to build a healthy and organic audience:

  • Take part in LinkedIn Groups or host one on your own.
  • Join conversations and be active on the network, show your presence.
  • Give and receive recommendations.
  • Promote your LinkedIn profile/company page on your website and in other appropriate spaces.
  • If you have a company, encourage employees to show that they work at your company & use your corporate hashtag.
  • Don’t add random connections just for the sake of numbers.

5/ Content Optimization

Content optimization in the simplest terms means utilizing your content space in the most efficient way possible. This could include anything that attracts an audience, provides value, sticks to relevance, etc. Basically, content optimization requires you to strategize smartly.

One of the biggest suggestions I can give you when it comes to content optimization is to retain originality. A piece must have a personal touch if you want it to do well with the viewers.

If you have a user-generated strategy or rely on AI, then reframe the content with your personal commentary.

Here are some other ways to optimize your content:

  • Catch your reader’s attention in the first line itself.
  • Try being precise with your content while also providing value.
  • Include a call-to-action button to keep your audience engaged.
  • Reply to everyone who comments in the first three hours. Further too if possible.
  • Encourage discussions in the comment section.
  • Be sure that your content has clarity and isn’t vague.
  • Use a minimum of 3 hashtags strategically.

6/ Promotional Strategies

To really win the LinkedIn algorithm, you need to make sure that the maximum number of people view your content. However, you need to do that in the most organic way possible.

This is where promotion comes in. Promoting your content on or off LinkedIn gives your content a broader space to reveal itself.

Here is how you can promote your LinkedIn content:

  • Building the right kind of content that is relevant and provides value is promotional itself.
  • Try investing in paid LinkedIn advertisements.
  • Make sure that any kind of visual you post is optimized for sharing.
  • Implement SEO-oriented content strategies by using keywords.
  • Make sure every content you post can be easily shared by viewers.

Off-LinkedIn promotion basically means cross-promotion on other platforms. You may be marketing on wider platforms like Twitter or Email. In this case, simply promoting it out there by newsletter or maybe by paid advertisements may do the task. This is a great way to showcase your work to inactive followers.

7/ Power of Experimentation

This can never be said enough, when it comes to content, you need to keep experimenting!

Everything you learn about the algorithm is true but not exactly solid – because the truth is that something that works for others might just not work for you. This works for both your content and your strategies.

To win the algorithm, you need to understand the algorithm, and that cannot be done by simply learning about it, you need to experiment and see for yourself.

Generally, the usual audience engages more with video content than the usual formatting. However, this doesn’t mean that you will stick to a single format. Try out other formats to mix things up, and see the statistics for everything to chalk out a plan.

The same can be said for the timing of your posting as well. As I already stated, to find out your ideal posting hours, you need to experiment with multiple time frames.

A lot of creators connect niche to monotony, but the truth is you can mix things up and add a variety of content within your niche as well. As long as you start by experimenting with content styles, there is no way your LinkedIn profile could ever get monotonous.

The process is time-consuming, but the results are always worth it.

🧙 Pro Tip

Whenever LinkedIn brings a new format, the algorithm usually gives it a boost. Use it to it’s fullest.

8/ Evaluating LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn’s very specific set of analytics is probably my favorite feature. If you have a premium account, then you get to have the full disclosure. If not, then don’t forget to check out my blog where I reveal if the LinkedIn premium is worth investing in.

Here are some useful metrics that can be a good indicator of your performance:

  • You can check the number of people who visited your profile.
  • The ‘post views’ section is a good indicator of your updates’ performance.
  • You can even see the categories of users who viewed your profile. For example, 20% can be salespersons while 30% can be project managers.
  • The Company page shows a list of metrics like unique visitors, impressions, profile visits, new followers, and custom button clicks.
  • Users in B2B sales might browse their employees in the People section for basic analysis.
  • Visitor demographic shows your audience’s job functions, location, seniority level, industry, and company size.
  • You can switch over to the location’s metric and check where the people who visit your page come from.

Each metric is helpful in a different way to different professionals.

9/ Cross-Engagement

LinkedIn even though is a professional platform; is also a networking community. The increase in the number of users and content creators has made it important that you engage with your connections’ posts as well.

Here’s why you need to engage with other creators:

  • It brings your brand into focus by establishing your presence.
  • It shows the algorithm that you are a valuable user.
  • It shows your active participation as the face of a company.
  • It facilitates a boost in your conversion rates.
  • It provides room for dialogue and discussions.
  • It convinces your connections to engage with your post as well.

Wrap Up

Winning the algorithm is tricky, but it isn’t impossible.

Luckily, today there’re thousands of resources and strategies to refer to. Keep experimenting, strategize well, and have fun! See what works for you, stick to it, and mix things up occasionally.

If you need more assistance, feel free to schedule a call with me where a team of experts will be more than happy to provide you with support.

Which of these techniques are you trying first?


  1. Are LinkedIn polls a good idea?
    They are but to an extent. In May 2022, LinkedIn announced they’d be reducing the number of polls shown in a feed.
  2. Do niche hashtags generate a lot of traffic?
    They might not, however, target the most relevant audience, so even though these hashtags may not have too many followers, they make your content visible to the right demographic.
  3. What is a good time to post as a B2B marketer?
    Typically, weekdays in early mornings, lunch hours, and during commuting times.
  4. Is spamming my followers a bad idea?
    Yes, if people mark your content as spam, or hide it, then LinkedIn will penalize your content.
  5. Why should I avoid putting outbound links?
    LinkedIn wants you to stay ON the platform, so if you lead your viewers OFF the platform, you will be penalized. Instead, leave the link in the comments.

Understanding LinkedIn Algorithm In 2023

A lot of users have this perception that LinkedIn is all commercial. I mean, can you blame them? The app itself is masquerading as an all-business software.

But let’s be honest, LinkedIn aside from business is more of a social network. Like all social media platforms, it too runs on a set of rules, the algorithm.

If you are not abiding by the algorithm, your content won’t reach your desired demographic, and as the saying goes, if your product isn’t reaching your target audience then your existing engagement is as good as zilch.

The LinkedIn algorithm works on a set of rules that determine who will see your content and when. Mastering the LinkedIn feed and search algorithm collectively can make your post go viral. Your B2B marketing strategies will also benefit from it. Value and consistency in content is the ultimate key.

If you are a B2B marketer, then you already know why LinkedIn is important for you, whether you like it or not. To really make your mark among millions of professionals, you need to master the algorithm.

If you’re struggling with it, then don’t worry, I am here to save the day. Read on because this is the ultimate guide to the LinkedIn algorithm in 2023.


1/ What Is The LinkedIn Algorithm?

In the simplest terms, LinkedIn Algorithm is a set of factors and rules that determine who sees what posts on the platform. But is it really that simple? Well, for starters, if it was, you wouldn’t be reading this blog.

The topics, niches, and people one follows decides what kind of posts one sees on their feed. And trust me, it’s no piece of cake either. The algorithm has been polished over the years to suit the objectives of the software. On one hand, it becomes more efficient and easier to use. On the other hand, the rules become stricter, and thus complex.

LinkedIn has over 800 million users. There are almost a billion posts every day and each post is accounted for and goes through the algorithm to reach the right audience.

In the last few years, the LinkedIn algorithm has been wired in such a manner that it benefits not only the popular users but every user to ever exist on the platform. Here’s how.

LinkedIn’s algorithm was changed in 2019 due to research that revealed that the most popular users had no problem getting the maximum relevant engagement, but the rest of the users had issues with getting their content seen.

Hence, LinkedIn updated the algorithm so that everyone can be visible and better known and that every user has the same possibility of achieving success.

2/ Types Of LinkedIn Algorithms

Let’s be clear on one thing, LinkedIn itself doesn’t decide the audience, it is your strategies and content that push the algorithm to choose a specific demographic to show your content to. If the said audience interacts with your content well, then your post goes on to similar users.

On the downside, the initial audience may not react to your content at all if your post is unrelated to their interests. This happens when you’re not strategizing well. This is exactly why it is essential to identify your audience and understand the algorithm.

Here are the two LinkedIn algorithms that work together:

Search Algo

LinkedIn Search Algorithm decides where and how your profile appears in the search options. It works by analyzing the kind of users an individual is connected with, what content they react to, what they are searching for, and what they click on.

Here are some basic ways to optimize your profile to make sure that you appear the most on searches of the audience that you are targeting.

  • Including your relevant job title helps to showcase your experience within different or similar roles and can help highlight you are suitable for a particular role.
  • Having a public profile on and off LinkedIn shows transparency and leads to more people cruising through your profile thus making it more searchable.
  • Using relevant keywords attracts the relevant audience. Use multiple. For example, if you are a marketer, then ‘marketing’ is not the only keyword in your profile; use more like your field of marketing, your key techniques, your key platforms, etc.
  • Using a professional headshot gives off a great first impression and attracts the audience. LinkedIn calls it the ‘virtual handshake.’
  • Have a complete profile to show that you are truly a professional. Show that you know what you are doing, you have the required qualifications and experience.
  • Be consistently active on LinkedIn. The more active you are, the more your searchability increases. Using it for merely 10 minutes a day also does the task.

LinkedIn Feed Algo

LinkedIn Feed Algorithm is a product of automated technology and a team of professionals. It is designed to ensure that there is only relevant content on the feed and not any spam or unwanted content.

LinkedIn’s feed algorithm works on four key factors:

  • Engagement
  • Quality
  • Relevance
  • Frequency

Here’s how you can appear more often on the feed of both your followers and the demographic that doesn’t follow you:

  • Be opinionated and post content that drives engagement and convinces your audience to start a discussion.
  • Engage with content of other users who belong to the same niche. This helps you to become a part of the community.
  • Using relevant hashtags that have keywords easily identified by LinkedIn’s search engine.
  • Avoid monotony. Use articles, pictures, videos, carousels, and more on your specified topic to get more engagement.
  • Try to start discussions on specific topics rather than broader areas discussed on every other platform.

Mastering both the feed algorithm and the search algorithm is a tricky business. It is absolutely mandatory that you are consistent and patient with your strategies. Only then can you understand the workings of LinkedIn in detail.

Each of these carries a comprehensive significance. Even though some marketers prioritize the feed algorithm more than the search algorithm, I would recommend you try mastering both of them in order to truly beat the algorithm.

3/ How Does It Work In 2023?

If you really want to make your content be seen by the relevant audience, then knowing how the algorithm changes from time to time is of utmost need.

This doesn’t need to be said, that providing value should be your prime significance, but when you are on LinkedIn, your priority needs to be appeasing the algorithm while also providing value.

If you fail to do so, your content might get buried in purgatory. Worry not, I am here to make you understand how LinkedIn will work in 2023. It is always better to understand the algorithm by taking the current year as a pretext.

Here are the three key steps of the algorithm:

Spam OR Genuine?

The first step to determining the audience of a post is by boxing its content in one of these boxes- spam, low-quality and high-quality. LinkedIn does that by considering a wide range of factors.

For instance, a post that contains grammatical errors or has too many links may end up in the spam folder.

Over-posting (every 3-4 hours) and tagging too many people can also be red flags in this case.

A low-quality post doesn’t come under spam, but it still doesn’t reach the ideal audience because the best practices have not been followed. Here’s how your low-quality content can turn into high-quality content:

  • Simple yet impactful way of writing.
  • Provide just the right amount of value.
  • Use minimum and relevant hashtags.
  • Incorporate keywords into your content.
  • Tag the relevant people only who are most likely to respond.
  • Use interactive elements of media when you can.

You’ll Be Tested!

Once the algorithm has established that your post isn’t spam, it tests your content by showing it to a handful of people.

The engagement is then analyzed. Likes? Yes. Comments? Yes. Shares? Definitely. If there is a high amount of engagement, then your post is shown to more people.

Unfortunately, if this is not how it turns out, or worse, if your content is reported as spam, the algorithm won’t be bothered to push it any further.

This whole process takes place in roughly the first ninety minutes of your post. That’s the time that decides your post’s overall performance.

Pass LinkedIn’s test with the help of these tips:

  • Post consistently so your followers don’t forget you.
  • Post at a relevant time, a time your maximum followers are active. This will require experimentation.
  • Try to start discussions by asking questions or prompting one.
  • Respond to any feedback from your followers.
  • Provide value in every post. Don’t post just for the sake of it.
  • Stick to your niche. Your followers follow you for a reason, don’t take that away.

LinkedIn Rewards You!

Once your post qualifies as high-quality content, the algorithm sends it out to a wider audience thus increasing your audience. If more of your followers and connections see it, random users with an interest in that topic will also have a high probability to view it. And if your post performs too well, then strangers with similar interests from all over the world will be interacting with your content.

If your content is Too good, then more people will chime in every time there is newer engagement, and the process goes on until the discussions eventually die out.

4/ Try These New Features

Now that you know how the algorithm works, try out these recently launched features that are algorithm-friendly in 2023 to improve your experience.

  • Live Videos
  • Merge Accounts
  • Video Meetings
  • Edit messages after sending
  • Reactions
  • Name pronunciation audios
  • AI Feedback to Streamline the Hiring Process
  • Carousel images

Wrap Up

Now that you know how the algorithm works, you must have realized why some users have thousands of likes and comments whereas some barely have five.

The point of this whole system is to ensure a fair chance for every single user. Strategize well and use tactics that convince the algorithm to rank your content at a high position.

I think you’re ready to level up your game!

Feel free to schedule a call with a team of experts at Growth Chime for any further experience. Give us the chance to ensure a smooth marketing journey for you!


  1. Is LinkedIn a search engine?
    It may be classified as one, however, other search engines like Google and Bing return web pages, while the LinkedIn search returns user profiles.
  2. Do I need a huge following for my posts to go viral?
    Well, that depends.
    While a huge following does increase your chances, there are a lot of factors that determine the virality of a post. Your post can still go viral if it is strategized well.
  3. How should I write in my Bio?
    Be precise. Make use of all the relevant keywords that describe you professionally. Try using a call-to-action and leave a contact option, preferably your email address.
  4. Why is interacting with other people’s content important?
    On LinkedIn, the algorithm will promote your content if you have a lot of engagement within the first hour. Cross-interactions between users can be mutually beneficial in this case.
  5. How many hashtags should I use?
    Unlike platforms like Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn doesn’t believe in using hashtags to their total capacity. The algorithm believes in being specific, so using 2-3 relevant hashtags gets the work done.

Investing In LinkedIn Premium: Worth Or Waste?

Are you a LinkedIn marketer? Well regardless of what your answer is if you’re any kind of internet marketer, you need to get your hands on LinkedIn as well.

The real question is: why? Well, the simple answer would be the fact that you can market your brand on a platform of 600 million professionals. You just cannot go wrong with any kind of audience because everyone’s a professional.

LinkedIn helps you engage a community of professionals to drive actions and target an audience that is relevant to your business. LinkedIn Premium features can do wonders for your marketing campaign. From generating quality leads to boosting your sales, it’s the most valuable platform for marketers.

While most LinkedIn marketers start out with the free version of the software, there are more options to consider, more ground to cover, and more statistics to analyze to determine whether or not you should upgrade.

I encountered a similar problem when I started out, and now that I have adequate experience, I receive the same questions from my readers – Is LinkedIn Premium worth it? If yes, then which package should I choose? Should I try out the free version first?

Well, worry not, I am here to answer all your queries, continue reading to know the secret to your LinkedIn marketing journey.


1/ Why LinkedIn Premium?

I have shortlisted this successful case study of the F5 Networks from the IT industry and how they improved their DevOps engagement in EMEA, that’s going to tell you why you should opt for LinkedIn premium.

The Problem

  • How to target the DevOps community in EMEA on LinkedIn?
  • Barriers to building brand awareness and engagement for F5.
  • How to generate quality leads from enterprise-level businesses?

The Solution

  • Modify the targeting approach by combining skills and job titles.
  • Leveraging Transmission, a certified LinkedIn marketing partner for content, to create best-in-class subject matter including:
    – LinkedIn Sponsored Content and video ads to drive feed engagement.
    – Make use of In-depth white papers and eBooks to act as a lead generation engine.
    – LinkedIn Conversation Ads engage the DevOps community through its favored messaging background.

2/ Which Subscription Should I Get?

Many people start out with free versions of LinkedIn, but is it worth it? Do they yield results?

Well, I’ll be honest with you. A free account will come with a lot of features, they are actually very helpful. However, there will always be limitations. Think about it: LinkedIn is a platform that connects professionals. If there are barriers to this communication, would you be able to get on top of your game? That’s a hypothetical question.

That was one of the many reasons why I always suggest marketers invest in LinkedIn Premium.

LinkedIn mainly offers four subscriptions. Two of them are career-focused, one is recruiting based while the last one is where you come in: Sales Navigator.

Choosing your subscription for the first time can be tricky. A lot of novice marketers go for career-based subscriptions too because they have side quests as well. The point is, as long as you’ve purchased the premium version, the barriers go down.

But here’s where things get tricky. Sales Navigator has features that:

  • Acquire new business using the Sales Navigator prospecting feature. Quickly helps you establish buyer interest and detect ways to build rapport.
  • Empowers your sellers to expertise in virtual selling, integrate with your CRM to capture activities & free up time for selling.
  • Strengthens customer relationships by using LinkedIn’s network to multi-thread across the organization.

These features are perfect for marketers, something that other subscriptions don’t offer.

Observe how LinkedIn Sales Navigator paves a path for your marketing campaign.


  • Pursue. Search for the right people and companies with a search experience that delivers the most relevant prospects.
  • Use Customizations. Quickly discover the correct people and prospecting leads at your target accounts with suggestions customized for you.
  • CRM Integration. Automatically save the prospecting leads and accounts you are selling to and log Sales Navigator activity to CRM with the efficiency of a single click.


  • Be Smart. Use the features to get relevant Sales Navigator insights on your accounts and sales leads, including job changes of your potential buyers.
  • Manage. Organize your prospecting leads and accounts with tags and take notes that can be easily synced back to most CRMs. Being organized is ideal.
  • Analyze. View the expanded list of who’s viewed your profile in the last 90 days; analyze the professionals who take an interest in you.


  • Reach Out. Reach over 500 million professionals on LinkedIn with the sales tool, even if you’re not their connection.
  • Be Presentable. Package and share sales content in a formal manner that’s better for both the buyer and seller. Use the features in such a way that they can see the content without downloading, and you get to track who has viewed what.
  • Collaborate. Discover the best ways to connect with prospecting leads through your company’s combined network.

3/ Why LinkedIn?

  • Tried and tested demand generation channel.
  • A partnership approach, using rich insights to build custom audience targeting and leverage LinkedIn content experts, Transmission.
  • Established a thought leadership platform.


  • Engagement rate 462% of sector benchmark achieved.
  • High-quality leads from enterprise-level businesses with a cost/lead of 80% below the benchmark achieved.

Here are some more professionals who have used this platform to its maximum benefit to yield results for their brand:

  1. Laura Perkins of Perkins Consultancy uses LinkedIn premium to make lists to track her progress. The statistical data then helps in the analysis. This company has collaborated with hundreds of companies to improve their Document Processing and Management goals with the help of LinkedIn premium.
  2. Firas Kittaneh of Amerisleep uses the features of Sales Navigator to keep up with his accounts and leads like never before. Features like insights on lead updates, potential leads, news, and shares from his network and messaging new prospects privately, which is a feature that isn’t available with a basic LinkedIn account.
  3. Miles Jennings of Recruiter.com uses LinkedIn premium to create real conversations. Instead of blindly adding connections with no sort of real relationship, the premium account gives him more opportunity to learn about an individual and reach out to them in an organic and genuine manner.
  4. Dave Nevogt of Hubstaff.com uses LinkedIn premium to build marketing and integrated Partnerships. They’ve been using LinkedIn to contact key players at companies where they’ve built software integrations and at companies that would be great partners for marketing cross-promotions.

These real-world examples portray your need for LinkedIn premium in the best manner possible, doesn’t it?

Well, if you’re still not convinced then here are the three basics yet some of the most efficient premia features that marketing professionals recommend LinkedIn users for their marketing campaign:

  • InMails: It’s an amazing feature that lets you send direct messages to sales prospects and industry leaders who are not yet your connections. The advantage here is that LinkedIn messages are said to have more than an 80% open rate compared to traditional emails.
    InMails are ultimately a great way of getting acquainted with potential connections. To use this feature, simply search for users and click on ‘send InMail’ below the profile headline.
  • Using introductions as a networking opportunity by starting conversations with users is another tactic. You can target potential users who may benefit your brand.
    With the free version, you get 5 introductions only whereas premium accounts get 25 to 35 introductions. This feature allows individuals to get acquainted with other users through their LinkedIn connections.
  • Open Profile: Another great strategy to enhance your visibility using LinkedIn Premium. This feature lets any LinkedIn user contact you free of charge. You can also contact any other user with an Open Profile even if they are not your connection.

What are you waiting for? You know what you must do now!

4/ Want LinkedIn Premium For Free?

Yes, you heard that right. I’ll let you in on a little secret today. There are tricks to getting a premium account for free for a limited time.

If you’re a novice marketer who is low on funds, then this tactic is for you.

With the help of this trick, you can get a career premium subscription for free (for a limited time).

Here are the steps you need to follow to avail of this:

  1. Find LinkedIn employees. This can be done on LinkedIn’s company profile under people.
  2. Navigate their profiles and send them a message. Since most of them will have the Open Profile feature, you will be able to send them a message.
  3. Ask them for a premium coupon for six months. Explain why you cannot afford it and your plans on using their coupon.
  4. Wait. Keep checking your inbox.
  5. They replied? Woohoo! They didn’t? Try your luck with a different user.

While Sales Navigator coupons aren’t available, you can use the features of Career Premium as an alternative as well. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s you who must play it smart!

Wrap Up

LinkedIn is one of the best marketing platforms you will ever come across. From its features to its audience, everything is perfectly suited to the needs of a marketer.

I hope, this blog helps you navigate the world of marketing campaigns in a much more efficient manner. Draw examples from real-life professionals, you never know when you end up being one yourself! See you next time.

So, are you ready to conquer LinkedIn?


  1. Can I cancel LinkedIn premium after the free trial?
    Yes, you can cancel LinkedIn premium whenever you want, even after a free trial. Your plan and your account will be returned to their basics along with your connections and data.
  2. What is the difference between Premium Business and Sales Navigator?
    LinkedIn Business is a paid subscription service that raises the LinkedIn experience for an individual member. Whereas, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, available for individuals or teams, is the best version of LinkedIn for sales professionals. Sales Navigator features a powerful set of search capabilities, improved visibility into extended networks, and personalized algorithms to help you reach the right decision-maker, perfect for marketers.
  3. How much does Sales Navigator cost?
    Sales Navigator has 3 pricing plans:
    – Core at $79/month (when billed annually)
    – Advanced at $125/month (when billed annually)
    – Advanced Plus at an undisclosed price
  4. How do I add more licenses for Sales Navigator Advanced?
    After you checkout or redeem your free trial, you’ll be able to insert more licenses at any time.
  5. What is InMail’s success rate?
    When it comes to receiving responses from prospects, InMail has a success rate of 10-25%. According to LinkedIn, that’s 300% more than emails containing the exact same text.

Getting First 1000 Email Subscribers

As a marketer, who was starting out on his venture, I had only one thing on my mind: getting my first thousand subscribers. Sounds familiar? Don’t worry. We have all been there.

Of course, after a while, I realized that my priority shouldn’t be attaining maximum subscribers, it should be strategizing. The correct strategy fetched me reliable leads and boosted my sales, subsequently increasing my subscriber list as well. Focusing on just the subscriber part of my strategy was actually hurting my campaign.

Well, the whole point of this story was that you learn from my personal experience. Email marketing can be tricky and confusing when you are a newbie. Moreover, not having enough subscribers is definitely a big letdown.

The only to get your first thousand subscribers is by strategizing through old techniques and the latest trends. It is essential that you focus on quality over quantity. Promotional strategies and identifying your audience demography are the most important keys to getting your initial subscribers.

One of the ways you can draw your attention away from the sole intention of earning subscribers is by prioritizing quality over quantity. However, that doesn’t mean you will neglect our subscriber statistics totally. A healthy balance needs to be there.

I am here with a guide for you today, a pathway to achieving your first 1000 subscribers- and by the end of it, you will be more confident than ever.


1/ Climbing Across Milestones!

Did you notice that the word ‘milestone’ in the title is plural? Confused? Well, what most novice marketers fail to realize is that getting your first thousand subscribers is not a single milestone. It is an amalgamation of multiple objectives.

For some people, achieving their first 10 subscribers is a milestone, whereas for some, making their first five sales may be another one. To make things easier, I have categorized the 1000-subscriber goal under three different landmarks- the 100-subscriber mark, the 500-subscriber mark, and the 1000-subscriber mark.

2/ The 100 Subscriber Mark

If you have still not achieved your first 100 subscribers, then chances are that you are at the most beginner phase of your marketing journey. Moving forward may look overwhelming, but I promise you, these tips will be a game changer!

  • 1/ Find Your Ideal Audience. Let’s be honest, having every random person on your email list just for the sake of statistics won’t do you any favors. Knowing who you want on your email list is where you start. Targeting one specific demographic instead of going out on a larger scale can be a good start. You will need to analyze, examine and research first in order to find your relevant audience.
  • 2/ Invest in Paid Traffic. If you are just starting out and have no audience, to begin with, then investing in paid traffic can be a smart way to get the numbers to start rolling in. Your initial traffic on your landing page may not be as expensive as you think. Today, you can use platforms like Facebook and Twitter to generate the initial audience for as less as $5.
  • 3/ Strategizing Lead Magnets. Lead magnets are basically offers that bribe the relevant audience to opt-in in exchange for value. The aim of the Lead Magnet is to maximize the number of targeted leads you receive for an offer.

Here’s the truth, Lead Magnets don’t have to be lengthy. Or complicated. Or time- consuming.

🧲 Here’s the catch:

The perfect lead magnet will offer tremendous value to the subscriber within 5 mins of opting in.

Remember, your lead magnet should target a SPECIFIC AUDIENCE. Karoline Wilde, a freelancer shared that she achieved 100 subscribers after the long 6-month wait, and it didn’t provide any value because she didn’t target one demographic.

3/ The Journey From 100 – 500

After you achieve your first set of subscribers, things tend to feel easier, doesn’t it? But the truth is, things get complicated when you are planning to increase your subscribers considering the fact that you already have some. This is the part where subscriber retention comes in. Don’t forget to check out my blog on subscriber retention!

  • 1/ Cross-Promotion. There’s a common buzz among marketers that you need to be present everywhere socially. In theory, it makes sense. However, people who have actually tried his strategy will tell you to stick to one single platform.
    Why? You might ask. Well, the simple explanation would be the fact that every social media platform has a different set of tactics, and every platform has a specific algorithm. Mastering a single platform is more tactical than using the same bland strategies everywhere.
  • 2/ Add Value to your Content. If you already have some subscribers, then it is preferred to continue what you’ve always done, but what’s necessary is strategizing ways to use your content to drive more traffic. One of the simplest ways to do that is by adding CTA (Call-To-Action) button on your posts and articles.
  • 3/ Start Posting Gated-Content. Gated content is content visible to subscribers only. It works for your content of the highest value, and not all of them. In such situations, people are bound to subscribe to check out your high-quality content.
  • 4/ List your Newsletters on Directories. Online searchable databases and aggregators expose your content to newer audiences thus driving new traffic.

At the end of the day, promotion is one of the greatest tools of an internet marketer, be it cross-promotion, paid promotions, or requested promotions. When you combine valuable content with the right means of promotion, your subscriber statistic is bound to rise.

4/ The Route To 1000

The final step to your milestone will require double the efforts you’ve already put in. You need to strategize better, leverage your audience in the right way and analyze your pre-existing statistics.

The ultimate reason why a subscriber exists in the first case is that they get services, be it valuable content or sale offers. To attract subscribers at a higher rate, you need to keep doing what you do with add-on incentives as well. You need to provide value in what you are selling. The only way to do that is by retaining the quality and providing recreation in the form of content and offers. These may sound simple, but truth be told, these tasks are thresholds of numerous strategies.

Here are some simple ways by which your 500 can upgrade to a 4 figure!

  • 1/ Give Back to your Audience. Your way of saying thank you to your subscribers can benefit you long term. Experiment with giveaways, quizzes, and contests and keep your audience engaged. Promote these incentives and watch people subscribe to your newsletters.
    Tariehk Geter from OSI Affiliate gave away free website and email templates to boost his list to over 10,000 subscribers from scratch.
  • 2/ Optimize for Conversion. After a considerable rise in blog traffic, it is recommended to optimize for conversion to increase the growth rate of the list.
    Andy Crestodina founder of Orbit Media raised his email opt-in rate by 1,400% by optimizing for conversion. Making the opt-in form more prominent and adding social proof are some of the ways by which he achieved these results.
  • 3/ Promote your Pillar Page. Pillar pieces are long content-formatted pieces that provide high value to your marketing campaigns. A good pillar can attract enormous traffic. A lot of marketers highlight these pieces to drive more leads. Some of them request their existing audience to promote it. There are multiple ways to go about it.
  • 4/ Old is New. When it comes to marketing, old techniques that have been mastered over the years will always beat the latest trends. Post consistency, give importance to each subscriber, and prioritize quality over quantity. Only then you can go for whatever the latest craze is. A good balance always pays off!

My point is, to follow the basic steps but strategize them creatively. That’s what it means to be an email marketer.

5/ What’s Next for You?

Achieving your first thousand subscribers is huge, and I highly recommend you celebrate it by sending out a thank you email along with an incentive. Maybe a giveaway?

I have come across people who forget about moving forward after reaching their preferred milestones. What they don’t realize is that they have the potential to grow even more, beyond their wildest dreams!

As an email marketer, it is important that you complicate your strategies as you grow. You need to keep experimenting and mixing up things to see where you can go. Once you are ready to move forward, start asking yourself questions:

  • What are your audience’s needs?
  • How can you solve them?
  • What is your budget?
  • How will you grow your audiences?
  • Are your previous practices still reliable?
  • What are your key action points?

The questions are endless and when you keep asking them to yourself, you come up with strategies that are relevant to your timeline. Here are some tips to take into account for your next steps.

  • 1/ Create multiple laser-specified lead magnets.
  • 2/ Use CTA creatively to grow your email list. Pop-ups are a simple yet effective strategy.
  • 3/ Bring your promotion strategies to the next level. Try collaborating with new upcoming brands.
  • 4/ Value data and privacy always. Keep them as your topmost priority.
  • 5/ Work towards boosting your email deliverability rate. Check out my blog on improving your deliverability.
  • 6/ Strategize about how you will keep your pre-existing subscribers engaged.
  • 7/ Authentic your email address. Check out my blog on the three essential tools of email authentication.

At the end of the day, you can choose from an endless list of strategies, it’s the relevancy that determines how effective they will be to you. Some strategies are mandatory to survive whereas some are purely experimental.

Wrap Up

Now that we have discussed how you can achieve your first 1000 subscribers, I am sure you are fired up and ready to take on the world of email marketing.

Remember, statistics aren’t everything, there’s a lot of ground to cover. If you are low on subscribers, then I assure you that we have all been there.

The ultimatum here is being smart when kickstarting your email campaigns. Being creative and boring simultaneously with your strategies will take your campaign a long way! In simple terms, a good email marketer plays with old-school techniques and the newest trends in the perfect balance.

Schedule a call with me today if you’re looking for ways to market beyond this.

So, what’s your latest milestone?


  1. Should I buy an email database to start with email marketing?
    It might look tempting to buy an email database when starting with email marketing. However, not only do you lose credibility in the eyes of your customers, but you might also even be violating the rules of consent under GDPR. Even though this might seem like an easy way to gain subscribers, it would be an absolute NO.
  2. Do I need to send newsletters?
    This is something that will depend on your target audience and how they respond to your existing content. Some demographics love newsletters, while others want to be contacted only when needed, such as for events or upcoming offers. However, this is something you can experiment with.
  3. How often should I send emails?
    You will have to attempt the trial-and-error method here. Again, it depends upon your target audience. Experiment with once a week, once in 15 days, or even twice a week. See, what gets the best response? Analyze your statistics.
  4. How long should my emails be?
    A lot of email marketers believe in sending out a long descriptive piece of content. But I would recommend you follow the less is more technique. Readers want precise content now that is equally informative and entertaining. 100-150 words would be a good option to consider.
  5. Should I segment my email lists?
    If you have read my previous blogs, you will know how segmentation is an important part of personalization. I highly recommend this strategy for your next campaign.

SPF, DKIM, DMARC: 3 Keys of Email Authentication

I have gone on and on about email authentication in the blogs I posted earlier, but I failed to tell you why it is one of my favorite techniques ever when it comes to email marketing. Well, here’s why.

Preventing email fraud? Check.
Boosting deliverability? Check.
Continuous delivery? All check.

I could tell you, that this is what email authentication is in a nutshell, but I’d be lying because it is so much more! There’s so much to know about this technique and I am here to help you out.

As an email marketer, I am sure you must have heard people tell you to follow the most organic trends. Trends that are not only healthy but also equally beneficial. This is one of those practices that we highly recommend you get started with if you haven’t already.

The three pillars of email authentication SPF, DKIM, and DMARC may come off as complicated, but they are going to be your most valuable companions in your email marketing journey. Let’s dive in!


    1/ Email Authentication: The Two W’s – What And Why?

    If you’re already a professional email marketer who has worked with email authentication, then I would ask you to skip to the second subtopic, however, a little recap can always be healthy.

    For beginners, take email authentication as the catalyst that is going to turn the number of your emails landing in spam into almost negligible! Confused? Well, this technique is simply a set of methods via which the receiving server can verify that your email isn’t forged. Say goodbye to spoofing and phishing scams, legitimacy is your new motto!

    Here’s why it’s high time that you prioritize email authentication:

    • The continuous use of email as a pillar for scams, frauds, and phishing is concerning.
    • Only email authentication can help you pass the robust measures taken by Internet Service Providers.
    • Lacking email authentication could be the downfall of your email deliverability.
    • The quality of your list and your content’s strength would be useless if you haven’t opted for email authentication.
    • Without authentication, fraudulent third parties can easily convert the source of emails to move past the spam filters.

    I would go on and on about why you need to prioritize this technique, but you get the gist, don’t you?

    2/ How To Authenticate Your Domain?

    I have seen internet marketers struggle with this process in the beginning stages. Hell! I used to be one of those novice marketers, but with time and experience my domain’s authentication has been perfected- and I am here to tell you how!

    1. Use consistent sender addresses: Consistency with the from addresses and friendly from names are of utmost importance. It might sound tempting to make your customers open your emails out of curiosity, but trust and safety go a long way. The constant changing of names or addresses could lead to trust issues among your recipients.
    2. Authenticate your IP addresses with the help of Sender Policy Framework.
    3. Align DKIM signatures for your emails.
    4. Protect email spoofing with DMARC authentication.
    5. After you’re done with the above steps, BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) can act as a cherry on top of the cake by strengthening the inbox trust experience for your recipients.

    Worry not, we will be discussing point number 2, 3, and 4 in detail in the following section.

    3/ SPF – Sender Policy Framework

    In literal terms, SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework and compares the email sender’s actual IP address to a list of IP addresses authorized by the ISP to send emails from that domain. In layman’s terms, when you send an email message, the receiving system will evaluate to see if there is an SPF record published. This establishes the legitimacy of your domain.

    In my experience with email marketing, I have realized that SPF is one of the best channels against spoofing and phishing scams. Moreover, establishing SPF is a great way to win over your recipient’s trust. Sender authentication protocols were created to secure against forgery of email sender identities, either in the envelope or in the header.

    Let me give you an example via a very simple real-world simulation:

    Recipient A receives two marketing emails from brand A and brand B, brand A has established a viable SPF authentication whereas brand B hasn’t done anything of the sort.
    Now, the recipient as an individual won’t have a hand in whatever happens next, but their server will.
    The server will accept the messages of brand A due to its authentic status thus boosting its deliverability. But the recipient server will reject the emails of brand B or it will send the mails to the spam folder due to its suspicious nature.

    Some of the most extravagant companies around the globe use SFP, including Google, Comcast, Verizon, Live.com, and Cox.net. What are you waiting for?

    A word of caution: SPF by itself is inadequate in how effectively it ends domain spoofing. Instead, when combined with DKIM and DMARC technology, you get vigorous spoofing protection.

    4/ DKIM – Domain Keys Identified Email

    Think of DKIM as your official government-issued identity document. To be simpler, it verifies your identity. When you send out an email, the server attaches DKIM to your mail which is later verified by the receiving server.

    Your priority goal shouldn’t be profiting. Yes, it is the ultimate target however the initial goal should be prioritizing the authenticity, safety, and legitimacy of your marketing campaign.

    DKIM is the crucial security guard that your email needs to ensure that your content hasn’t been compromised or tampered with. I would specifically recommend you this protocol if you had a large list. Here’s why.

    When you send out marketing emails, email firewalls can be exceptionally harsh. For example, if you as an internet marketer send out the same marketing content to a large number of people, the content gets scanned, and it looks like a wave of spam messages. I mean, can you blame the server? My point is that email authentication is your way out.

    I have been raving on and on about the sender’s reputation and email deliverability in almost every blog I post well, DKIM is the key you’ve been looking for to establish both effectively. Combine it with the other keys of email authentication and your email campaigns are unbeatable!

    5/ DMARC – Domain-based Message Authentication

    DMARC or Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance is the critical link that binds the first two keys of Email Authentication via a consistent set of policies.

    The most important thing you need to remember here is that this protocol can be set to one of three selections: NONE, QUARANTINE, and REJECT.

    • Policy = (p=none): no action taken; message delivered normally.
    • Policy = (p=quarantine): reverts the message to the spam/junk/quarantine folder.
    • Policy = (p=reject): the message stands rejected or bounced.

    Out of all the three protocols, DMARC is the most crucial. A perfectly authenticated domain combines the best efforts of all three policies.

    6/ Implementation

    1/ SPF

    Installation: The TXT record in domain DNS requires to be set, this record will comprise a bunch of valid server IPs that are allowed to send emails through the specified domain.


    v=spf1 include:93339333.mydomain.net ~all

    Sample SPF Record

    Working: Every email you send has a Return-path header linked with it. This return path is the email address to which email delivery notifications are sent concerning email bounces and spam reports. The domain of that sending server’s domain path is pulled out, and its DNS record details are taken care of.

    Now since you have inserted the SPF credentials in the domain’s TXT record. This will consist of a list of IP addresses that are recognized to send emails. If the procured email’s server IP is in the SPF record, then everything is passed on for the SPF validation.

    2/ DKIM

    Installation: First, a public key and the specified private key must be generated, and the public key hash has to be arranged in the TXT record, and the email signing has to be enabled to direct email signatures.



    DKIM Set In TXT Record with Public Key

    DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; s=fnc; d=env.mydomain.net; h=To:From:Reply-To:Subject:Message-ID:List-Unsubscribe:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:List-Unsubscribe:Date;
    bh =DEEFSFDSFWEEEfdfgdsgeERFSFMps774=; b=oDQdtCY85ckhjSDFSDFEdsfsdfdsfasedf9+sVkuMD5bpevJB4SB3+HEP0pikyDQpeLEWOeC2rwyrhDucDYctVYRr6DSFDFEdsfsdfdsfasedf9+s

    DKIM Signature In Email with Private Key

    Working: The private key which is concealed on your email server side is applied to encrypt the email signature. This encrypted signature is then directed as a header in every email sent from the email server.

    The public key hash is then collected in a DNS TXT record. This key with the private key received into the email signature is then operated to decrypt and verify the email signature by the recipient server.

    3/ DMARC


     _dmarc.mydomain.net. IN TXT "v=DMARC1\; p=none\; rua=mailto:dmarc-aggregate@mydomain.net\; ruf=mailto:dmarc-afrf@mydomain.net\; pct=100"

    Sample DMARC Record


    Add DMARC record in the domain TXT record which should look something like this.

     _dmarc.mydomain.net. IN TXT "v=DMARC1\; p=none\; rua=mailto:dmarc-aggregate@mydomain.net\; ruf=mailto:dmarc-afrf@mydomain.net\; pct=100"

    Sample DMARC Record

    The parameters that are set in this code snippet have specific functions:

    • p= DMARC Policy.
    • v=Version.
    • rua=Mailbox to which aggregate reports should be sent.
    • ruf=Mailbox that will be receiving forensic reports.
    • pct= Percentage of mail to which the domain owner would like to have its policy applied.
    • You have to define policies on how the message has to be dealt with if the validation fails.

    Working: DMARC works in concurrence with SPF and DKIM records, which means, if you want to instigate a DMARC record, you must set SPF and DKIM records in the initial stage.

    Then we set up the DMARC settings in the TXT records in your domain’s DNS settings.

    DMARC works based on accomplishing three things:

    • Email authentication.
    • Define action taken when authentication fails.
    • Enable reporting of the domain that does the spoofing.

    When an email is sent to the recipient server, it checks that the said DMARC record will have the parameters that were discussed above. The DMARC examines the following things:

    • Ip address validation in the SPF record.
    • Validation of DKIM signature.
    • Then it tests domain alignment that consists of the following checks:
      – In the SPF record, the message’s ‘from’ domain and its Return-Path domain must be matching.

    If the validation fails, then based on the policy outlined in the DMARC record crucial action is taken and a report is created and sent to the respective email id’s set in the DMARC record for the reports.

    Wrap Up

    This is the best I could have shown you how vital email authentication is. Your next email marketing campaign demands the implementation of all the protocols ASAP, do it today!

    These procedures are a sum of words that can overwhelm you quickly. If you need any help with the execution, connect with our team of experts at Growth Chime.

    I promise you that you’ll deliverability issues will be negligible once you implement these methods.

    So, are you already on your way to authenticating your domain?


    1. How frequently do the DKIM keys rotate?
      You need to agree on a frequency that works best for your business by weighing your risk path, your email program’s complex nature, the resources required to update the keys, and your security policies. 30 days is the average period recommended.
    2. Why are emails still having alignment failures with SPF and DKIM although it has been configured correctly?
      If Bounce Management and Email Security Compliance settings are authorized in the organization’s deliverability system, the return path in the header varies to a Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP) address. This can cause the alignment to be unsuccessful as in theory that the return path must be from the customer’s domain.
    3. Is DMARC only for large companies?
      No, I recommend it to every email marketer. Since DMARC policies are published in the public DNS, anyone can use DMARC.
    4. Do I need to change the DNS to use DKIM?
      Yes, you will need to generate a DKIM Key from your email software and add it to your domain’s DNS to allow the authentication of DKIM.
    5. Can I have multiple SPF records on a single domain?
      No, you must not. Having too many SPF records on a single domain will lead the SPF to return an error for all emails sent from that domain.
    Financial Analyst at BJC Health Care LinkedIn / Growtth Chime

    Building A Strong LinkedIn Network – Quality over Quantity

    When you start out on LinkedIn, connections are one of the first features that grab your attention. A lot of users perceive them as Instagram’s follower feature or Facebook friends – but that’s a misinterpretation.

    Connections are an integral aspect of LinkedIn. They are the contacts you know personally and trust on a professional level. Once you connect to a particular user, they become your first-degree connection.

    There’s also an extended network of connections present. The second and third degree connections come under this, your level of communication depends upon how well you are professionally related to the user.

    Having the right and strategic LinkedIn connections can be a game changer. Generalized niche users and specific niche users have different needs. It is always necessary to connect to relevant profiles. The process of connecting and knowing a professional on a personal level can also be beneficial.

    When I was a novice marketer on LinkedIn, I made the mistake of connecting to random professionals just for the sake of numbers. I am here to make sure that you don’t make the same mistake.

    Let’s dive deeper into this topic.


    1/ Things To Remember When Connecting

    When you’re new on LinkedIn, it’s a basic urge to want to send a connection request to every user that pops up. Well, I hope you are not doing that.

    When on LinkedIn, you’re supposed to remember a few things while connecting to someone. Ask yourself these questions.

    • How well do you know this user?
    • Is this user in your professional field?
    • If this user is a stranger, would connecting to them benefit you?
    • Do you think this user has potential?
    • Is this user your critic? (Explaining this below)
    • Does this user post content that interests you?
    • Is this a demographic-relevant user?

    If even a single question is a ‘yes’, then you should connect with this user. However, if all the questions are answered no, then you don’t see a reason to professionally know that person.

    In the long run, this process may seem like a drag. Ultimately, it’s a brief decision. Some experts believe that you understand in the first five seconds whether that user will be a valuable connection.

    Here are the types of people I would recommend you connect with.

    • Professionals you already know are your key demographic. You know these people. You have worked with them. They are most likely in your professional field. Even if they are not, they can prove to be valuable in your professional future.
    • Professionals you don’t know but are relevant to your niche. Being on a social platform means getting to know strangers, and when it is a professional platform, it means you get to connect with strangers who help you learn and vice-versa. Plus, it is always a good idea to have as many relevant contacts as you can.
    • Professionals you may be related to. At first thought, you must have thought, why would I connect to a relative who belongs to a completely different industry? But when you think about it, you never know who ends up helping you. Connecting to professionals you know at such an extreme level is a smart idea.
    • Users with Potential. When you come across people putting out new ideas or maybe announcing inspiring start-ups, it can be smart to connect with them. It may prove to be helpful once they have gone up the career ladder. Moreover, it would be inspiring to follow their work.
    • Your Rival Critics. That’s right! Knowing what your professional rivals are doing will always keep you on your toes. Moreover, you need people who provide you with much-needed constructive criticism occasionally.

    2/ Why Prioritize Connections?

    Let’s be honest. We look at our followers count with way more interest than who our connections are. We have all been there. But in all honesty, it is high time that you start prioritizing your connections too if you want to level up professionally. Here’s why!

    • Relevant connections will help you maximize your business success rate.
    • You never know when a connection might be a source of qualified market leads.
    • You may end up turning a connection into a prospective client.
    • Your connections can open newer business opportunities for you.
    • Your connections will endorse your skills when you ask them to.
    • Your connections are more likely to engage with your content than your followers.

    Connections on LinkedIn suggest that you know the person professionally and they are their trustworthy business connection. There is a huge difference between a casual contact and a LinkedIn Connection. To change a person from a contact to a connection, they must accept your invitation to join your set of connections. Once they do so, they become a part of your network.

    If you are someone who has a lot of connections but a very small portion of it is relevant, you might want to rethink your marketing strategies. The word ’relevance’ comes up in every sub-paragraph, and yes, it is as important as I denote it to be.

    3/ How Many Connections Are Enough?

    I am sure you must have asked yourself at some point of point, do I have enough connections?

    The problem with this question is that there is no correct answer to it. A good marketer can make the best use of 500 connections as well as 30,000 of them!

    It’s all part of the process. A user with 30,000 connections also had 500 connections at a time. In fact, the said user also started at zero like everyone else.

    The right number of connections ultimately comes down to what your objective is.

    In my experience, if you are trying to build a professional network to advance your career, then having a limited set of VERY relevant connections is preferable.

    However, if you are marketing a product or a service, which is the case most of the time, having a large connection list can do wonders. The mass appeal is more in the case of connections instead of followers.

    Here’s how it goes in different cases:

    If you are operating in a specialized niche, then limited connections are the way to go. Here’s a case study for you. This user works in the healthcare industry as a financial analyst. When we investigated these keywords, we found more than 200,000 profiles which made it a broad niche. But we noticed that her content is all based on the company she works in, so we also factored the BJC in the niche, the organization she works at, and we found roughly 500 profiles.

    Financial Analyst at BJC Health Care LinkedIn / Growtth Chime

    The conclusion was that this profession can come under a specialized niche if narrowed down. This user has 461 connections and happens to be highly successful in her field and LinkedIn had a significant role in this.

    Another situation is being a professional in a very well-defined industry. In this case, having more than 500 or 1000 connections is highly recommended! Some users go up to 10,000 or even 30,000 when they have stayed in the industry for too long.

    For instance, David Bombal is a very successful LinkedIn marketer. He markets his YouTube content and the courses that he authored as a programmer. These were the prime keywords on his profile. Very broad if you think about it.

    David Bombal LinkedIn / Growtth Chime

    We found more than 150,000 profiles and it wasn’t possible to narrow it down since David is using LinkedIn for marketing and follows a generalized niche.
    Thus, it is appropriate and highly effective for him to have 30,000 connections.

    The third category would be an amalgamation of freelancers, consultants, internet coaches, and others. Usually, people in these professions are self-employed and are open to working with a worldwide audience. Clearly, it is highly recommended to have a big connection list. This list usually comprises people from their own niche, and in some cases, like freelancers, the connections may belong to different fields as well.

    4/ Your To-Do List

    Here’s a simple recap of how connections work, and the basics that if utilized well, can do wonders for your marketing plans!

    Connect with others by sending them an invitation, or by accepting their invitation to you. Each new connection can increase your access to thousands of professionals in your existing network. You can have up to 30,000 1st degree connections.

    🧙 Pro Tip

    You can also decide whether you want your connections to be visible to other users or not.

    The process of interacting begins once a message is sent or received by your new connection.

    If it would be beneficial for you to know a particular user at a personal level, then send them messages that are equally professional and welcoming. Show interest in their profile, the user should see why it would be mutually beneficial to have you as a close contact.

    You can see their updates on your connections’ profiles or on your feed whenever there is something new. Make sure you interact with them! This puts you on the radar, plus there are chances of cross-engagement.

    Wrap Up

    Well, I think you are ready to go out there again and make some meaningful and relevant connections.

    Remember, your LinkedIn connections are like your co-workers. You don’t know them all at a personal level, but you know professional facts about them and that is enough for you to forge relevant relationships with them.

    If you are still hesitant to go back there or if this whole thesis seems overwhelming to you, feel free to schedule a 30-minute call with me where a team of professionals will help you out in your journey.


    1. What is the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections?
      – First connections are your direct connections; people who are part of your direct network.
      – Second connections are the connections of your 1st-degree connections, or simply the ‘friends of your friends’.
      – Third connections are LinkedIn users that are connected to your second-degree connections. They are on the outskirts of your network, but you can still connect to them.
    2. Why is there a limit to the number of connections I can have?
      LinkedIn values quality over quantity. It doesn’t want its users to exploit the connect feature by merely connecting to anyone, that would ruin its essence. The 30,000 connections are supposed to be utilized well, and relevant.
    3. Why am I facing issues with connecting to someone?
      – You have exceeded your invitation limit; hence you have been restricted by LinkedIn itself.
      – Too many people selected the option I don’t know you, hence you have been restricted as a consequence.
      – This user was outside of your network.
      – He/she has blocked you for some reason.
    4. When is a user outside my network?
      When you have no whatsoever relation to that particular user, they remain outside your network: they are neither your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections nor do they share a group with you.
    5. What can I do if someone is outside my network?
      There is no full-proof technique that brings a user into your network but here are some things you can try:
      – Join a group they are also part of.
      – Increase your network with relevant connections.
      – Find and add connections in common. (But do not add random people)

    5 Reliable Methods For Email Subscriber Retention

    I still remember the time when I first began gaining subscribers, I was a little clueless, motivated, and willing to conquer the world of email marketing. Ah, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.

    As newbie marketers, we are all somewhat in the same lane, we’re desperate to do whatever it takes to get on top of the game. We get so absorbed in our goals of achieving maximum subscribers, that we forget about the people who have already chosen our brands.

    Some particularly important aspects of strategizing for email subscriber retention include your email design, optimization of the CTA button, quality of opt-in subscribers, consistent and helpful content, and re-engagement campaigns.

    Personally, I feel that there isn’t enough talk about subscriber retention- and for valid reasons. It is natural to be focused on growth and growth only, and thus we leave out an especially important factor: maintenance.

    In today’s blog, I will be discussing some quite reliable tips on how to keep your subscribers happy and engaged.


    1/ Hyper-Personalization

    The most important question that crops up after gaining a good number of subscribers is how you would keep them happy and engaged. More importantly, how to prevent them from unsubscribing?

    Well folks, here’s where personalization comes in. Personalization in email marketing is a chunk of the puzzle. By delivering hyper-relevant messages to the inbox of individuals or groups of customers, you show your customers you truly “get” them. It makes your customers feel important.

    Here are five personalization strategies for you to try today!

    • With advanced behavioral tracking, you can create sections within your list of email subscribers that are segmented into distinctive audiences based on activities such as purchases, feedback given, rewards earned, amount spent, etc.
    • Placing product recommendations in emails is an underutilized personalization tactic. This can not only enhance the relevancy of your emails, but it’s a smart way to increase your sales and order value too.
    • I also recommend sending re-engagement campaigns for subscribers on your list who have not opened or clicked on an email from you in a while. This is crucial to get them back to interacting with your brand.
    • Personalized email campaigns requesting customer feedback are also an important form of initiative-taking customer support. It also helps in gathering data that can be used to create more personalized campaigns.
    • Building up a VIP segment that adds customers who reach more than the average spending threshold is a straightforward way to automate rewards for your loyal customers. An added incentive is that your sales might boost from the charm of the VIP benefits.

    2/ The ‘OPT-IN’ Guide

    I am sure you’ve heard the term opt-in being thrown around like confetti in this arena of marketing. Unless you have prior experience in marketing, it can get tricky to understand opt-in subscribers in the initial phase.

    In the most minimal terms, opt-in subscribers are the ones who receive and read your emails because they wish to. The whole point of opting in is that the subscribers have permitted the said marketer to send them marketing emails.

    I think it’s clear how important creating an opt-in form is. It could be for free content such as a template, quizzes, free classes, audio meditation, or simply a PDF checklist. The possibilities are endless!

    In layman’s terms, your subscribers will be happy ONLY if they have consented to receiving your emails, and not under force.

    Confused about where to start? When I started out with email marketing, I included a short bio explaining who I am and what I did, an incentivized opt-in, ways to contact me, links to other sections on my website, and a simple email subscription form that asked for consent. Easy, right?

    After doing the above, the task gets a little real. Driving the initial traffic to your opt-in can take some time. As we have already discussed, a surefire way to do that is by sending personalized emails to your recipients. Offering free trials, special offers or any incentive also goes a long way!

    I always recommend considering double opt-in because these individuals are less likely to unsubscribe or make spam complaints. It also defends your list from suspicious activity because you can check that the owner of the email address was the person who signed up to receive your emails.

    3/ Consistency FTW

    Email marketing tools have become so self-sufficient that they end up doing everything for you. The only crucial task left out is designing and planning strong content. Remember, content is your main player here.

    However, it should be noted that merely sending out quality content won’t suffice. Consistency comes to play here. To really leave a mark on your recipient’s mind, you need to plan your content calendar in such a manner that your subscribers don’t forget you. Here are some pointers for you to plan out the schedule for sending out your newsletters.

    • Stick to a consistent schedule, and try not to miss out on a single email.
    • Don’t overdo it. Keep in mind that you don’t want to frustrate your customers with a huge influx of marketing emails regularly.
    • Do not send out your mail to your entire list at once. Organize them into groups to pave a path for personalization.
    • Remember to send out a welcome mail to every new recipient who opts- in. Welcome emails get a whopping 85% higher open rates than regular emails. Moreover, it makes a good first impression.
    • Consistency should be in perfect coordination with quality. It would make no sense if you sent out a bland email every day. That would have a negative impact on your open rate.

    I have often talked about consistency in your campaigns, that’s because it is the simplest yet most efficient key to keeping your subscribers engaged.

    A good email marketer and a loyal subscriber are two connected dots. There needs to be an equal exchange of engagement from one side and content from another.

    4/ Email Design

    Designing your emails in such a manner that pleases your readers can have a lasting effect. A useful design goes a long way!

    One of the most important trends I recommend when it comes to design is to keep it responsive. By building your emails responsive, more people will be able to open and engage with them. By getting your responsive design correct, you’ll be able to present your products and services to all your potential customers without the trouble that they can’t access them at any given time.

    Email design will help you analyze your recipient’s behaviors. Subscriber behavior is the key to subscriber retention. By learning how your audience responds to specific design elements, you’ll ideate how to refine your approach for the highest engagement. Here are some interactive element ideas for you:

    • Build attractive carousels with AMP.
    • Use videos that identify with your niche.
    • Use gamification elements like customer points and feedback.
    • CSS animated buttons are visually pleasing.
    • Embedded forms increase user engagement.

    🧙 Pro Tip

    Pop-ups and slide-ins on your landing page are clever tactics to implement for retargeting purposes. Pop-ups today are less invasive than before.

    Love them or hate them, they have proven to be great online marketing tools. They convert leads at a high rate and swiftly catch the user’s attention, thus increasing engagement.

    Hyper-personalization and dark mode are some more trends that you should definitely check out!

    Here are some more options for you that can help you build a brilliant design for your new campaign:

    • Go for a design that fosters increased privacy.
    • Including the relevant data in your email helps win your customer’s trust.
    • Including social proof, for example, customer reviews, in your email design shows your credibility.
    • Using animated elements in your email design is always an attractive idea.
    • Avoid too generic images in your email. Get a custom graphic designed as per your brand to build trust and consistency.

    I think you’re now ready to design (or re-design maybe?) your email in such a manner that makes your subscribers realize how hard you’ve worked!

    5/ Re-Engagement Campaigns

    Let’s be honest. No matter how good your product is, no matter how strong your marketing strategies are, there will always be customers who drop out of your subscription.

    Although a few tactics, like proper engagement, feedback surveys, and personalization may reduce the number of subscribers lost, it is certain that some subscribers will eventually stop. However, that does not mean you totally give up on the customers you lost.

    Customer reactivation is a highly efficient and cost-effective way of addressing lost customers. Unless a customer changed their email address, the email sent to the unsubscribers will be recognized and opened.

    Here are some tips for your re-engagement content:

    • Give your contacts the value of staying subscribed. This could be anything from brand updates, discounts on new products, or exclusive offers for subscribers only.
    • The use of empathy is also a great tactic. This can be an emotional message or a humorous animated gif that shows what it feels like without those customers. Be creative.
    • Assure those customers that you would be glad to have them back. Encourage them by adding a CTA button in those emails.
    • Asking questions like “What changed between the time you subscribed and now?” helps those customers remember why they signed up for your list in the first place.
    • It should be noted that you can’t appear desperate. Brands thrive on reputation and self-respect, don’t try way too hard. You can add an unsubscribe button at the bottom if needed.

    Wrap Up

    It can be overwhelming when you’re navigating the email marketing world as a beginner, and you see subscribers opting out. Don’t worry. I promise you we are all in the same boat.

    The above tactics are surefire ways to boost your traffic, thus improving engagement and subsequently your subscriber retention. The only thing that you need to have is patience.

    Good luck out there, see you on the top!


    1. What is an email design system?
      An email design system is a collection of tools, resources, and other components that marketers use to guide them in creating error-free, on-brand emails more straightforward and faster. This typically consists of brand colors, assets, email templates, and email modules.
    2. What are modular emails?
      Modular emails are divided into independent segments, or “modules.” These modules can be reused and put into newer combinations to build new emails or a range of templates to use for entirely different email campaigns. A straightforward way to visualize this is to think of email modules as blocks that can be assembled, disassembled, and reused to create something brand new.
    3. How do I make an attractive email template?
      The simplest way to build attractive email templates is to create custom templates from scratch. There are various internet tools available to create a custom template library as well. By including varying design elements in your templates, you’ll be able to stay true to your brand in all your email. This will save you the trouble of designing new templates every time.
    4. Why is it important to start implementing this year’s email design trends?
      By implementing the current email design trends into your strategy, your emails will attract, engage, and convert more customers. It will help with your conversion rate. Plus, with the ever-changing audience and generational gaps, it is imperative that you stay up to date with modern trends.
    5. How to improve my call to action?
      Following the three keys of call-to-action: copy, placement, and design is the key to improving your CTA. Some ideas to improve your CTA include putting it on top of your email, where it will get the most attention; using assertive words to urge people to take action; and using colors and bold fonts to make the CTA button stand out.

    Followers vs Connections: What Really Matters?

    When I started out on LinkedIn, one of the first complexities I found was the concept of connections and followers. It was a big part of the software’s User Experience. Also, it wasn’t like Twitter or Instagram; it was different.

    Connecting and following are two outlets that LinkedIn provides you to get acquainted with professionals all around the world. Personally, I found this concept more formal than the usual Facebook friends or twitter followers.

    Followers and connections are often intercepted as the same by newbies, but is that true? Well, the answer is a clear-cut no, looks like we have a lot of ground to cover. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

    LinkedIn followers are people who choose to follow your profile but are not connected to you. Connections are people you are connected to and have accepted your connection request. Connections allow you to message and endorse them, while followers can only view your profile and updates.

    However similar these features might look, they happen to have different concepts, different advantages, and different flaws. It’s good to question yourself every once in a while whether out of the two, are you prioritizing the correct feature. Is there a healthy balance between the two?

    Let’s dig right in and solve your queries.


      1/ Followers vs Connections: The Difference

      LinkedIn followers are more of a one-sided conversation. On the other hand, connecting allows the platform to be a two-way street. Confused? Let me simplify it.

      When you send a request to connect with a user, you end up following them as well, without realizing it. Unless the user accepts the invitation, it ends up being one-sided. If the user agrees to connect, then they follow you too.

      In terms of interaction, the main difference between LinkedIn followers and LinkedIn connections is that you can only interact with the connections. (Message, endorse, recommend) They also grow your LinkedIn network.

      Followers are less useful, they only get notifications of your new content, nothing else.

      As simple as this must sound, the concept is a little more complicated than this. A few surveys were done and it was found that some users feel that connections are a more powerful tool due to their ‘both-sided relationship nature’. Whereas some users give the upper hand to followers for its sheer simplicity. A user said, “The feature puts my content out there, and I don’t even have to put in the work to form a professional relationship with those users.”

      Keep reading to know more about this. We’ll be discussing both of these in detail.

      2/ Advantages & Flaws of Followers

      The younger creators, including the millennials, have loved the word followers since the rise of Instagram’s popularity. In all honesty, it does feel good to have a large following, be it on any social platform, doesn’t it?

      But is LinkedIn’s followers feature up to the hype? I have shortlisted some advantages and disadvantages of too many followers that can help you analyze your level of prioritization towards this feature.


      • Increased visibility and reach: Having many followers on LinkedIn can help increase your visibility and reach on the platform, making it easier for potential clients or employers to find and connect with you.
      • Professional networking opportunities: LinkedIn followers are often professionals in your industry or related fields, providing valuable networking opportunities to expand your professional network.
      • Increased credibility: Many followers can signal to others that you are an authority in your field and increase your credibility as a professional.
      • Potential for lead generation: Having a strong following on LinkedIn can help generate leads for your business or job opportunities.
      • Increased engagement: A large following can also lead to increased engagement on your posts and updates, helping to boost your visibility and reach even further.


      • The whole process of building and maintaining a large following on LinkedIn can be time-consuming and might not give you the desired result.
      • Quality vs. quantity: Having many followers doesn’t necessarily mean they are all relevant or engaged, and a smaller, more targeted following may be more beneficial in the long run.
      • Potential for fake followers: It can be easy to purchase fake followers on LinkedIn, which can damage your credibility and reputation as a professional.
      • Can be overwhelming: A large following can lead to a lot of notifications and messages, making it difficult to keep up with and respond to everyone.
      • Can lead to unrealistic expectations: Having a large following can create unrealistic expectations about your professional success or abilities, leading to disappointment when opportunities or leads don’t materialize.

      3/ Benefits of Relevant Connections

      When I started out on this platform, connections felt like an entirely new concept, it was overwhelming to understand how many connections I should have.

      Here are some advantages of having a set of relevant connections.

      • Relevant connections will help you maximize your business success rate.
      • You never know when a connection might be a source of qualified market leads.
      • You may end up turning a connection into a prospective client.
      • Your connections can open newer business opportunities for you.
      • Your connections will endorse your skills when you ask them to.
      • Your connections are more likely to engage with your content than your followers.

      Lucky for you, I also have written a blog that is solely dedicated to how connections work and how many you should have. Check it out today!

      4/ How To Prioritize Between The Two?

      The real mind scratcher at the end of the day is the question that how you balance between the two major metrics of LinkedIn. Don’t worry, it can be confusing, we have all been there.

      Here are some important factors you need to consider to understand how you can solve your dilemma and be a success on LinkedIn.

      • Relevancy: Consider the relevancy of your connections and followers to your industry or field. Prioritize connections and followers who are relevant to your professional goals and can provide valuable networking opportunities or professional development.
      • Engagement: Prioritize connections and followers who engage with your content and updates. These individuals are more likely to be active and interested in your professional development, which can lead to more opportunities and leads.
      • Quality over quantity: Rather than focusing on the number of connections or followers focus on the quality of your connections and followers. A smaller, more targeted network of high-quality connections and followers can be more beneficial in the long run.
      • Networking opportunities: Prioritize connections over followers when it comes to networking opportunities. Connections can communicate with you directly and can provide you with access to their network, which can open new opportunities for you.
      • Authenticity: Avoid connections and followers that are fake or have been purchased, as they can damage your credibility and reputation as a professional. Prioritize connections and followers who are authentic and have a genuine interest in your professional development.

      Ultimately, it’s essential to strike a balance between connections and followers and to prioritize those that are most relevant and engaged in your professional development. It takes time, but the results are worth it, trust me on this!

      5/ As a LinkedIn Marketer…

      How do you categorize the users that you come in contact with, be it your followers or connections? Has this question ever struck you?

      It all comes down to what a marketer is marketing, what industry they belong to, and which organization they are from. Knowing how to categorize these users can help you market your product better.

      Here are some categories I would recommend you consider as an up-and-coming LinkedIn marketer!

      • Industry or profession: Categorizing users by their industry or profession can help identify potential clients or customers who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
      • Job title or level: Categorizing users by their job title or level can help identify key decision-makers or influencers within an organization.
      • Company size: Categorizing users by the size of their company can help identify potential clients or customers who work for large or small organizations.
      • Location: Categorizing users by their location can help identify potential clients or customers who are in a specific area or region.
      • Engagement level: Categorizing users by their engagement level can help identify those who are most active and engaged on LinkedIn and are more likely to be receptive to marketing efforts.
      • Interests: Categorizing users by their interests can help identify those who are interested in specific topics or products and are more likely to be interested in your marketing efforts.

      Using these categories, a marketer can create targeted campaigns and messages to reach the right audience and increase the chances of success. The LinkedIn metrics will help you dig deeper into this.

      Wrap Up

      I think it’s safe to say that LinkedIn followers and connections both play an important role in building your professional network and expanding your reach on the platform.

      Followers allow you to expand your audience and share your content with a wider audience, while connections allow you to build deeper relationships and exchange messages with other professionals in your field. It’s important to understand the difference between the two and how to effectively utilize them to achieve your goals on LinkedIn.

      Whether you’re looking to expand your professional network, find new job opportunities, or simply build your personal brand, having a strong presence on LinkedIn is essential.

      Do you have a healthy balance between the two?


      1. When is the best time to send an email?
        The best time to send an email is simply when your contacts want to receive it. Some contacts want a daily, weekly, or monthly email. Other contacts only want to hear from you when you have a discount/offer ongoing. Analysis and consistency come into play here.
      2. How often should I clean out my email list?
        One of the main causes of deliverability issues is poor list hygiene. You should review and clean out your email lists often. We recommend a scheduled clearing out of your email list at least twice a year.
      3. Why you shouldn’t email your complete list at once?
        One of the key strategies of a successful email campaign is segmentation. We recommend you design each message with a target audience in mind and send it just to that audience. This will also increase the engagement of the subscriber with your content.
      4. What is an acceptable email deliverability rate by industry?
        100% deliverability is considered nearly impossible as user mailboxes change often, or people simply leave. An email deliverability rate of 90% or higher, sidelines a successful marketing campaign.
      5. How will changing my IP address affect my deliverability?
        A change of IP address can help you to grow your domain reputation to some extent, but not enough to overcome other negative sending habits, like bad content and low engagement.

      9 Proven Tips to Improve Email Delivery

      Email marketing is right in the center of the hotspot today. In the broadest sense, every email that reaches a potential client is considered marketing via email. Because you have chosen to click on this blog, we believe that you already know about it – but to brief you, email deliverability is the metric scale that is defined by your true potential to get your marketing emails successfully in your customer’s inbox.

      Attracting opt-in subscribers can do wonders for your email deliverability. Make your emails reach your potential customer with quality content. Develop a high sender reputation with IP warming, custom domain, sender id, and proper domain authentication. Avoid domain being blacklisted by spam traps.

      Your strategy here plays a key role in your email campaigns. Opens, clicks, bounces, unsubscribes, and spam reports – identifying the trends in every metric is essential when it comes to your campaign. We will be discussing nine tested full-proof tips to improve your email delivery.


      We’ve short-listed the most effective ways to boost your email deliverability. Remember! Your emails are useless if they do not reach your potential customer. The smartest and most efficient ways are sometimes right in front of you, you just never notice them. Let us get back to the basics and remind you how growth is always rooted at the foundation of your email trends.

      1/ Custom Sending Domain

      An email address with a custom domain helps you create a professional image for your brand. Moreover, it boosts your business’ credibility. Consumers look for an email and a website domain name to match. Neglecting to keep up with this gives rise to unnecessary questions. Can the business be trusted? are they too tight-fisted to obtain a domain email? are they just too lazy? You cannot risk the credibility of your brand. Having a proper website on your email-sending domain gives off a great first impression and regardless of what you might believe, the first impression does matter.

      Having an active website reduces the chances of your emails being flagged by spam filters. It also helps in improving business communication confidentiality. Using generic domains often leads to your emails ending up in the spam folder. Hence, it is relevant that you invest in a proper website domain before you jump-start your email campaigns.

      2/ Use Subdomains

      A subdomain is a supplementary piece of your root domain. It is that part of your domain that is added as a prefix to your main domain. For instance, grow@example.growthchime.com. Here, “example” is the subdomain. Although a subdomain is known to be linked to your root domain, it has a distinct identity of its own.

      The key element here is maintaining a high sender reputation. The known email service providers, namely, Google, Yahoo, etc have been wired to keep tabs on your domains and associate a sender reputation with them. When your sender reputation is low, you are highly likely to encounter email deliverability issues. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Email Service Providers (ESPs) may naturally start rejecting the bulk quantity of your emails because your domain does not meet their basic reputation standards.

      However, the good news is that it is much easier to manage your email reputation if you are using a subdomain when sending out marketing emails. When your subdomain gets a bad reputation, you are at the liberty of switching to a new one while still being linked to your root domain. This method has known to ensure the protection of your root domain from reputation problems. On the other hand, your customers will keep receiving emails from a domain they trust.

      3/ Proper Domain Authentication

      Email domain authentication is the process of verifying the sending origin or domain of an email—in essence, proving to ESPs that your emails are truly coming from you and not from a spam origin. A significant emphasis is being shed on the fact that your emails landing in the spam folder could drastically reduce your open rates and other engagement metrics, damage your sender reputation—ultimately causing future deliverability problems—and could even cause your recipients to develop a poor image about your brand.

      By authenticating your email sending domain, you can maintain a strong sender reputation and avoid the common disaster of ’email spoofing’, a tactic used in spam and phishing attacks that comprises a third-party taking charge of your email domain and deceitfully sending emails on your behalf. Therefore, avoiding your campaigns from ending up in the spam folders to crucial to the success of your email deliverability rates — and domain authentication is one of the most powerful ways to help you get the work done.

      4/ IP Address Warming

      Another key element to building a good sender reputation is via IP warming. For starters, gradually increasing the volume of emails sent from a new dedicated IP address on a predetermined schedule is called IP warming. For example, some campaigners set their predetermined schedule to achieve a monthly email sending goal.

      By warming up your IP address, both ISPs and ESPs can thoroughly assess your subject matter. Your content and your IP address will be judged as to whether they are secure, have high engagement, and subsequently, analyze your sending behavior. Now, since your email sending IP address is trusted, more of your emails reach your recipients’ inboxes without being blocked, bounced, ignored, or filtered into a user’s email spam box. When you have successfully done IP warming and built a sender’s reputation, your business email and IP address will be trusted by ISPs and ESPs, thus improving your email deliverability rate.

      5/ Sender Reputation

      We have been raving about the sender’s reputation up until now. Email sender reputation is a combination of IP and Domain reputation, and it may be called the ultimate key to the success of your email marketing campaigns.

      Spam complaints, spam traps, soft and hard bounces, unsubscribes, engagement rates, and more factors can easily lead to the downfall of your sender’s reputation. If a lot of people opted out (via unsubscribes or, worse, spam reports) or did not care to even open your emails, your reputation will be low. If you, however, have a healthy, engaged list that you developed organically, the odds of having your emails delivered are high.

      While IP warming and domain authentication remain on top of our list, there are other methods to improve your sender reputation as well. Relying on double opt-in, i.e., asking each subscriber to confirm their subscription is always a clever idea. The only way to have an organically healthy list is to have people who really want to be on it. While some ESPs will automatically remove hard bounces right away, all the other bounces – you need to take care of them on your own. It is always the factors that seem insignificant that might hit your sender reputation.

      6/ Increase Opt-In Subscribers

      We’ve talked about this in our sender reputation point, but we did not give you a ‘how’! So, how can you increase your opt-in subscribers? This is where website pop-ups and re-engagements come into play. Implement pop-ups on the pages where people presumably end up, such as your homepage and your most popular blog post pages. Pop-ups are a good, organic way to get more subscribers via opt-in.

      Re-engaging cold prospects serves two purposes: one, it can reignite the relationship and spark more engagement moving forward. Two, it helps you remain compliant and avoid wasting time by emailing people who are not interested in what you are selling. If you are looking to increase your opt-in subscribers on a large scale, then you can also market at conferences and tradeshows. Lastly, you can also include a check box for people to opt-in to your email marketing when they are engaging with other content on your site.

      7/ Consistency

      Email marketing is not a one-time rodeo, it is a long-time process. Having a consistent schedule on your calendar is of utmost importance when it comes to your campaign. Being consistent shows your willingness to commit to your own brand. Your potential prospects will not agree with your ideologies at once, it takes time, and consistency is the key. If a customer or prospect does not understand the benefits of what you are selling, they are unlikely to invest or buy from you.

      Consistent email plans save both time and money. It boosts sales and enhances the customer-buyer relationship. A brand needs to build trust in the minds of its potential customer before it can get promising leads, being consistent always works. Thus, having a fixed schedule for your email marketing may show a promising rise in your email deliverability metrics.

      8/ Quality & Relevant Content

      Your emails will not reap much unless you are sending out quality content. Your content needs to have substance and preciseness, with a little touch of your own brand. Remember, customization might just be the key you are looking for. Secondly, your content needs to be synced to your recipient’s needs. Your opt-in subscriber will stay if you give them a reason to. Knowing your audience and producing their preferred choice of content can jump-start your metrics for email deliverability.

      Behavioral analytics lets you better understand how many people are interacting with your site. Besides that, you can learn which pages bring them to the site in the initial phase, and which pages they connect with the most. Understanding analytics can help you produce content that your audience will like.

      9/ Avoid Blacklists & SPAM Traps

      As mentioned already, being blacklisted by spam traps can have a lasting impact on your email deliverability. Periodic removal of inactive subscribers is always preferred. Your next preference should be strictly sticking to the organic growth of your list. Moreover, using programs like web crawlers and email scraping tools is a surefire way to gather honeypot emails and get yourself blacklisted. Lastly, we suggest you clean your lists using email verification tools.

      Wrap Up

      Email deliverability is the prime metric you need to consider to analyze the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

      We hope our short-listed ways help you market your brand in the most organic and innovative way.

      So, what all pointers do you plan to implement out of this?


      1. When is the best time to send an email?
        The best time to send an email is simply when your contacts want to receive it. Some contacts want a daily, weekly, or monthly email. Other contacts only want to hear from you when you have a discount/offer ongoing. Analysis and consistency come into play here.
      2. How often should I clean out my email list?
        One of the main causes of deliverability issues is poor list hygiene. You should review and clean out your email lists often. We recommend a scheduled clearing out of your email list at least twice a year.
      3. Why you shouldn’t email your complete list at once?
        One of the key strategies of a successful email campaign is segmentation. We recommend you design each message with a target audience in mind and send it just to that audience. This will also increase the engagement of the subscriber with your content.
      4. What is an acceptable email deliverability rate by industry?
        100% deliverability is considered nearly impossible as user mailboxes change often, or people simply leave. An email deliverability rate of 90% or higher, sidelines a successful marketing campaign.
      5. How will changing my IP address affect my deliverability?
        A change of IP address can help you to grow your domain reputation to some extent, but not enough to overcome other negative sending habits, like bad content and low engagement.
      Email Trends in 2023 - Growth Chime

      What Does The Future of Email Marketing Look Like in 2023?

      We are living in the digital era, and it is a known fact that the most powerful promotional tools have a way to make a comeback through future marketing trends. This form of internet marketing came into trend in 1978 itself when it first came onto the scene.

      Email marketing has been considered one of the most operational, scalable, and efficient marketing strategies in today’s market.

      But the biggest head-scratcher is the question of whether this channel will still be as effective, as efficient, and as profitable in the year 2023.

      Well, email marketing is here to stay and trends like hyper-personalization and email redesign will change your campaign for the better. A successful strategy will boost your brand and your email metrics. Prioritize user-generated quality content and data privacy to build customer trust.

      Moreover, artificial intelligence is also up and coming.

      In our newest blog, we will be discussing the various email marketing trends that saw a rise in the past five years and whether they will still be the keys to your next marketing campaign along with a little extra scoop.

      So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dig in.


        1/ 2018-2022, A Recap of The Most Popular Trends 2/ Trends To Watch Out For in 2023 3/ Advantages of A Successful Email Strategy 4/ Why You Need To Prioritize Email Marketing !! 5/ Artificial Intelligence - A New Era?

        Let’s be honest, we all went through that phase where we thought that email marketing was dead, however, the statistics did not support that statement.

        People saw dozens of email marketing solicitations flooding their mailboxes, every single day. However, this influx of email created trust issues within the recipients- today only marketers who follow organic strategies get to be on top of their game.

        Let us look at a few of the most popular yet simple strategies of the last five years that are still very much in trend and will continue to be in:

        1. The takeover of User Generated Content was one of the biggest marketing trends that saw a rise in the past five years. User-generated content (UGC) delivers brands with an innovative opportunity to market their goods and services while building relationships with the focused market.
          Not only that, but it has also proven to have increased conversion rates. Authenticity is the key feature of this strategy and statistics have shown that it gives favorable results!
        2. The concept of less is more has always been held at a controversial point of view, however, it made a lot of sense. With the switch to mobile readability and usability, short and snapped copies were being preferred.
          Statistics showed that content that kept beating around the bush led to the emails being closed mid-reading. Another trend that we suggest you include in your next email marketing campaign.
        3. Hyper-personalization is one of those trends that have always played a role in boosting email marketing metrics. Customization means adjustment to the values of each recipient separately, based on their unique preferences and interests.
          Simply putting the recipient’s first name at the beginning of the email does not get the work done. The usage of real-time data is recommended to create custom and dynamized content for the customers. That is when you know your marketing campaign is on its way to success.
        4. The next generation (and well, the current) will not really take pleasure in formal scripts. There has been an increase in the usage of conversational emails in the past five years and trust us, this way works!
          A part of customization is also being on the same level as your customers. An informal email with a conversational tone is always a preference for the B2C segment.
        Email Trends in 2023 - Growth Chime

        Whilst the trends that were popular in the last five years are still truly relevant and will be in 2023, there are still some strategies that we recommend you get familiar with if you are not yet already:

        1. Email Redesign – It is one of the biggest trends to watch out for. That is right! Merely customizing the content is not enough now, you have got to up your game with a little more style.
          Minimalism is the most popular aesthetic now and we suggest you optimize your content area in a clean, decluttered manner, using minimum space.
          Dynamic gifs are another feature that is set to change the email arena for the better!
          Moreover, statistics predict that brands will soon use illustrated iconography to enhance the user experience.
        2. Use WhatsApp – You can also add real-time WhatsApp messaging to the mix, it is almost 2023 and WhatsApp and emails complement each other now. It is a known fact that customers tend to read WhatsApp faster than emails, hence it is a promising idea to keep sending updates about sales, tracking, events, and more.
          Sending WhatsApp messages that are directly tied to the emails you send out can also boost your open rates.
          Thus, this could prove to be an effective strategy. (Note: Sending WhatsApp depends upon your Brand and TG, it could have a negative impact!)
        3. Prioritize Privacy – This may come into more of the legal obligation arena rather than a trend – but we could not help but remind you how important this point is. Customers always prefer brands that keep taking initiatives for the betterment of their data protection.
          Moreover, to enhance data privacy, support the subscribers with a choice to unsubscribe or change their email preferences.
        4. Try Interactive Emails – A particularly important segment of enhancing the productivity of an email is its interactivity. For maximized engagement, we recommend you create your emails as interactive as you can in 2023.
          No, we are not talking about cluttering up the space – we are talking about using interactive elements while keeping minimalism in mind. Some examples would be carousels, quizzes, animated CTA buttons, surveys, and more. (Use AMP email technology by Google)

        3/ Advantages of A Successful Email Strategy

        A refined and smart email marketing strategy is always rewarding. A successful strategy is one that is driven by organic growth and all the latest marketing trends. These marketers show the highest email deliverability rates and yield the desired results.

        A great strategy ends up boosting all its metrics and results show that they affect your sender reputation positively. Various statistical reports suggest that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, it generates $38 or more if you are using the correct strategy.

        In fact, for the past ten years in a row, successful email campaigns have been the source that produces the highest return on investment for brand marketers. A surprising stat: Email is forty times more efficient at obtaining new clients than Facebook or even Twitter.

        The right blend of email marketing trends can be used to establish which customers are no longer engaged in your brand or doing business with it. At the initial stages, email marketing strategies let customers pay a sum or oblige by signing a contract. From then on, brands try to switch first-time clients into repeat customers.

        It even identifies devoted customers who interact with your brand recurrently and make repeated purchases. The latest trends can encourage this high-value group of recipients through loyalty offers, advantages, limited-time offers, and exclusive invites to events.

        Hence, the correct email marketing strategies end up being the ones that lead to flexible, scalable, and the most cost-efficient campaigns. A successful marketing campaign will always do wonders for your brand.

        Remember, the oldest marketing techniques combined with the latest trends are a goldmine!

        4/ Why You Need To Prioritize Email Marketing !!

        Here is why you need to continue with email marketing and the burning billion-dollar question:

        Is Email Marketing Still A Powerful Channel In 2023? Does It Drive Any Growth For Brands?
        Yes – Emails are still a powerful channel & it’ll drive growth for any brand. It may be one of the oldest marketing tools, but it is here to stay.

        It is still the top marketing channel to boost your business. Email users are expected to top 4 billion by the end of 2024, so marketing to the growing audience is your best bet to grow your brand.

        With an ROI of more than 4400%, strategizing your email campaigns should be your priority. A massive number of marketers, around 90% to be precise classify email as their top lead generation strategy.

        Here are some stats that will draw you closer to your email marketing journey:

        • There are more than four billion daily email users.
        • More than 35% of the existing brands are prioritizing email marketing.
        • Around 80% saw an increase in their engagement in the last year.
        • Smartphone users prefer brand communication via email.
        • As you increase your strategic plans, your ROI also increases.

        5/ Artificial Intelligence – A New Era?

        Artificial Intelligence - A New Era? - Growth Chime

        Artificial Intelligence is the latest advent and naturally, it had to play a role in email marketing as well. Before you ask us, yes, it is as cool as it sounds!

        Artificial Intelligence (AI) in email marketing is where data and customer behavior are used to structure campaigns, inspire subject lines, and copy, and make sure every message is custom-made specifically for that reader. In simpler words, it is like having a fully accurate copywriter right by your shoulder while you are busy creating an email marketing campaign.

        Combining AI and email marketing tactics are going to be huge since the best features of both structures will be combined. AI can effectively predict future analytics to track & optimize your campaigns based on engagement and consumer behavior.

        AI can efficiently time your emails, predict analytics, generate catchy headlines, and run automated multivariate tests and that is just the tip of the iceberg- but well, more on that later!

        Wrap Up

        To wrap it up, all we can say is that email marketing is here to stay, and you will be needing the latest trends and strategies more than ever in 2023. Your next campaign needs to be an amalgamation of all strategies at your disposal, then only can you establish a successful marketing ground for your brand.

        We hope that this blog was insightful to you. Good luck with your next marketing venture!

        So, how many of these trends did you already know about?


        1. Should I divide my email list into segments?
          Yes, segmentation is highly encouraged since it leads to personalization. Segmenting your email lists will help them influence the target audiences, offer the right promotions, and get improved open and click rates. It also helps in driving a much-increased engagement and in delivering better quality emails.
        2. What is a better way to format emails? HTML or Plain Text?
          While HTML is preferred for B2C communication, we recommend the plain text for B2B clients due to its more formal delivery. HTML emails have the whole lot that plain text emails do not: colors, images, and multimedia.
        3. How to improve my call-to-action (CTA)?
          Primarily, there are three keys of any CTA to focus on: copy, placement, and design. The ultimate task is to make it stand out. It must grab the attention of the recipient. It is vital to make your CTA as functional as possible to drive clicks and engagement.
        4. How long should my emails be?
          We recommend you refer to the ‘less is more’ concept when it comes to the length of your content. However, that does not mean that you lack substance. Your emails need to be long enough to convey your message with substance and short enough that people do not lose interest. It must look effortless.
        5. What are the major metrics to track to check my progress?
          The four major metrics that give you the overall performance of your email marketing campaign are: inbox rate, spam report, bounce rate, and lastly, the unsubscribes metric.