9 Ways To Win The LinkedIn Algorithm

In my last blog, I talked about the basics of the LinkedIn algorithm; the ‘what’ and the ‘whys’. But I didn’t tell you about the ‘how’.

Well, this blog is all about telling you how you can strategize your way through the strict rules of the algorithm and ultimately win it!

Professionals all over the world are more connected than ever, thanks to the advancing features of LinkedIn. It is the perfect fit for almost every professional status, be it for students, or job seekers & recruiters, or executives & employees, or marketers.

For businesses, LinkedIn is the best platform to build your brand. However, winning the algorithm is essential. You need to develop a relevant demographic, post valuable and engaging content and plan strategically. Follow your niche, use hashtags and your post will be on top of your follower’s feed.

However, does the algorithm make this task easy? Well, the truth is that the algorithm ensures a fair existence for all users, be it the most popular ones or the ones with zero connections. But here’s the downside, it’s the same rules that can bring your traffic down!

Worry not, because I will be telling you 9 surefire ways to Win the algorithm!


1/ When Are You Posting?

When you are on any kind of networking platform, you end up being a content creator (or curator) too whether you like it or not. And the thing about content is that timing is everything!

It is necessary that you post at a time when there is a maximum activity from your audience. However, the process of analyzing when most of your demographic is online is a time-consuming process. It requires patience, consistency, and experimentation.

Here are some key points to take into account:

  • The best day of the week is usually considered the weekdays, with Tuesday and Wednesday having the highest amount of engagement.
  • Since it is a professional platform, weekends have the least traffic.
  • You can use time zones to your advantage by scheduling your posting times based on your key demographic.
  • Most statistics show that engagement drops after working hours on weekdays, 5 pm in most cases.
  • You can analyze your LinkedIn analytics by recording them in a spreadsheet to get a clear cut schedule for posting that drives the most traffic.

As a professional who creates content on LinkedIn, it is important that you focus on niche and relevance. ‘Niche’ is a specific segment of the market where a creator specializes.

To achieve this, there’s a single rule:
Know your audience – Analyze. Research. Strategize.

Know what interests your audience. See what they care about the most. Make sure that there’s a collision between your audience’s interests and your expertise because otherwise, you are targeting the wrong demographic.

Creators also need to remember that relevance needs to be maintained not only in content but also in the format of the content. Media is getting more important now and it is essential that you use the most relevant formats of media. Statistics show that:

  • Posts with visuals such as images get twice as many comments and likes than only-text posts.
  • LinkedIn videos drive more traffic due to their complex format; it drives five times the engagement than the usual text posts.
  • Carousel posts fill the gaps between short video posts and single-image posts, thus delivering an equally good engagement.

3/ Hashtags For The Win!

LinkedIn, like other media platforms, has also started prioritizing hashtags. However, does it work the same way? Let’s see.

So, the creator mode allows users to put 5 hashtags on their profile on top showcasing how valuable they are. On the other hand, there are two kinds of hashtags for posts: broad hashtags and niche hashtags.

Broad hashtags like #marketing have a huge amount of followers and thus can help you get more engagement and maybe, followers. Whereas niche hashtags like #linkedincopywriting focus more on a specific topic and give you a more relevant audience for your content.

Here’s what I suggest you do:

  • Decide the top 5 hashtags for your creator profile based on your research on the hashtag’s relevance, niche, number of followers, and where it stands in the industry.
  • Use 3-5 hashtags on your posts ONLY. LinkedIn doesn’t believe in the usage of maximum hashtags; it needs you to be precise and relevant.
  • Keep a balance between broad and niche hashtags, and use the ratio of 2:1 (more broad ones) to use this feature to its maximum benefit.

4/ Building Relevant Demographic

Your followers and your connections represent the initial audience of your content. If your demographic isn’t built based on credibility and relevance, then your content would be generating no value despite having quality.

A relevant audience will find value in your content and niche. They might be students, employees, executives, or literally anyone else. They might be following you because you belong to a similar industry or merely because your content interests them.

Here are some tips to build a healthy and organic audience:

  • Take part in LinkedIn Groups or host one on your own.
  • Join conversations and be active on the network, show your presence.
  • Give and receive recommendations.
  • Promote your LinkedIn profile/company page on your website and in other appropriate spaces.
  • If you have a company, encourage employees to show that they work at your company & use your corporate hashtag.
  • Don’t add random connections just for the sake of numbers.

5/ Content Optimization

Content optimization in the simplest terms means utilizing your content space in the most efficient way possible. This could include anything that attracts an audience, provides value, sticks to relevance, etc. Basically, content optimization requires you to strategize smartly.

One of the biggest suggestions I can give you when it comes to content optimization is to retain originality. A piece must have a personal touch if you want it to do well with the viewers.

If you have a user-generated strategy or rely on AI, then reframe the content with your personal commentary.

Here are some other ways to optimize your content:

  • Catch your reader’s attention in the first line itself.
  • Try being precise with your content while also providing value.
  • Include a call-to-action button to keep your audience engaged.
  • Reply to everyone who comments in the first three hours. Further too if possible.
  • Encourage discussions in the comment section.
  • Be sure that your content has clarity and isn’t vague.
  • Use a minimum of 3 hashtags strategically.

6/ Promotional Strategies

To really win the LinkedIn algorithm, you need to make sure that the maximum number of people view your content. However, you need to do that in the most organic way possible.

This is where promotion comes in. Promoting your content on or off LinkedIn gives your content a broader space to reveal itself.

Here is how you can promote your LinkedIn content:

  • Building the right kind of content that is relevant and provides value is promotional itself.
  • Try investing in paid LinkedIn advertisements.
  • Make sure that any kind of visual you post is optimized for sharing.
  • Implement SEO-oriented content strategies by using keywords.
  • Make sure every content you post can be easily shared by viewers.

Off-LinkedIn promotion basically means cross-promotion on other platforms. You may be marketing on wider platforms like Twitter or Email. In this case, simply promoting it out there by newsletter or maybe by paid advertisements may do the task. This is a great way to showcase your work to inactive followers.

7/ Power of Experimentation

This can never be said enough, when it comes to content, you need to keep experimenting!

Everything you learn about the algorithm is true but not exactly solid – because the truth is that something that works for others might just not work for you. This works for both your content and your strategies.

To win the algorithm, you need to understand the algorithm, and that cannot be done by simply learning about it, you need to experiment and see for yourself.

Generally, the usual audience engages more with video content than the usual formatting. However, this doesn’t mean that you will stick to a single format. Try out other formats to mix things up, and see the statistics for everything to chalk out a plan.

The same can be said for the timing of your posting as well. As I already stated, to find out your ideal posting hours, you need to experiment with multiple time frames.

A lot of creators connect niche to monotony, but the truth is you can mix things up and add a variety of content within your niche as well. As long as you start by experimenting with content styles, there is no way your LinkedIn profile could ever get monotonous.

The process is time-consuming, but the results are always worth it.

🧙 Pro Tip

Whenever LinkedIn brings a new format, the algorithm usually gives it a boost. Use it to it’s fullest.

8/ Evaluating LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn’s very specific set of analytics is probably my favorite feature. If you have a premium account, then you get to have the full disclosure. If not, then don’t forget to check out my blog where I reveal if the LinkedIn premium is worth investing in.

Here are some useful metrics that can be a good indicator of your performance:

  • You can check the number of people who visited your profile.
  • The ‘post views’ section is a good indicator of your updates’ performance.
  • You can even see the categories of users who viewed your profile. For example, 20% can be salespersons while 30% can be project managers.
  • The Company page shows a list of metrics like unique visitors, impressions, profile visits, new followers, and custom button clicks.
  • Users in B2B sales might browse their employees in the People section for basic analysis.
  • Visitor demographic shows your audience’s job functions, location, seniority level, industry, and company size.
  • You can switch over to the location’s metric and check where the people who visit your page come from.

Each metric is helpful in a different way to different professionals.

9/ Cross-Engagement

LinkedIn even though is a professional platform; is also a networking community. The increase in the number of users and content creators has made it important that you engage with your connections’ posts as well.

Here’s why you need to engage with other creators:

  • It brings your brand into focus by establishing your presence.
  • It shows the algorithm that you are a valuable user.
  • It shows your active participation as the face of a company.
  • It facilitates a boost in your conversion rates.
  • It provides room for dialogue and discussions.
  • It convinces your connections to engage with your post as well.

Wrap Up

Winning the algorithm is tricky, but it isn’t impossible.

Luckily, today there’re thousands of resources and strategies to refer to. Keep experimenting, strategize well, and have fun! See what works for you, stick to it, and mix things up occasionally.

If you need more assistance, feel free to schedule a call with me where a team of experts will be more than happy to provide you with support.

Which of these techniques are you trying first?


  1. Are LinkedIn polls a good idea?
    They are but to an extent. In May 2022, LinkedIn announced they’d be reducing the number of polls shown in a feed.
  2. Do niche hashtags generate a lot of traffic?
    They might not, however, target the most relevant audience, so even though these hashtags may not have too many followers, they make your content visible to the right demographic.
  3. What is a good time to post as a B2B marketer?
    Typically, weekdays in early mornings, lunch hours, and during commuting times.
  4. Is spamming my followers a bad idea?
    Yes, if people mark your content as spam, or hide it, then LinkedIn will penalize your content.
  5. Why should I avoid putting outbound links?
    LinkedIn wants you to stay ON the platform, so if you lead your viewers OFF the platform, you will be penalized. Instead, leave the link in the comments.

Understanding LinkedIn Algorithm In 2023

A lot of users have this perception that LinkedIn is all commercial. I mean, can you blame them? The app itself is masquerading as an all-business software.

But let’s be honest, LinkedIn aside from business is more of a social network. Like all social media platforms, it too runs on a set of rules, the algorithm.

If you are not abiding by the algorithm, your content won’t reach your desired demographic, and as the saying goes, if your product isn’t reaching your target audience then your existing engagement is as good as zilch.

The LinkedIn algorithm works on a set of rules that determine who will see your content and when. Mastering the LinkedIn feed and search algorithm collectively can make your post go viral. Your B2B marketing strategies will also benefit from it. Value and consistency in content is the ultimate key.

If you are a B2B marketer, then you already know why LinkedIn is important for you, whether you like it or not. To really make your mark among millions of professionals, you need to master the algorithm.

If you’re struggling with it, then don’t worry, I am here to save the day. Read on because this is the ultimate guide to the LinkedIn algorithm in 2023.


1/ What Is The LinkedIn Algorithm?

In the simplest terms, LinkedIn Algorithm is a set of factors and rules that determine who sees what posts on the platform. But is it really that simple? Well, for starters, if it was, you wouldn’t be reading this blog.

The topics, niches, and people one follows decides what kind of posts one sees on their feed. And trust me, it’s no piece of cake either. The algorithm has been polished over the years to suit the objectives of the software. On one hand, it becomes more efficient and easier to use. On the other hand, the rules become stricter, and thus complex.

LinkedIn has over 800 million users. There are almost a billion posts every day and each post is accounted for and goes through the algorithm to reach the right audience.

In the last few years, the LinkedIn algorithm has been wired in such a manner that it benefits not only the popular users but every user to ever exist on the platform. Here’s how.

LinkedIn’s algorithm was changed in 2019 due to research that revealed that the most popular users had no problem getting the maximum relevant engagement, but the rest of the users had issues with getting their content seen.

Hence, LinkedIn updated the algorithm so that everyone can be visible and better known and that every user has the same possibility of achieving success.

2/ Types Of LinkedIn Algorithms

Let’s be clear on one thing, LinkedIn itself doesn’t decide the audience, it is your strategies and content that push the algorithm to choose a specific demographic to show your content to. If the said audience interacts with your content well, then your post goes on to similar users.

On the downside, the initial audience may not react to your content at all if your post is unrelated to their interests. This happens when you’re not strategizing well. This is exactly why it is essential to identify your audience and understand the algorithm.

Here are the two LinkedIn algorithms that work together:

Search Algo

LinkedIn Search Algorithm decides where and how your profile appears in the search options. It works by analyzing the kind of users an individual is connected with, what content they react to, what they are searching for, and what they click on.

Here are some basic ways to optimize your profile to make sure that you appear the most on searches of the audience that you are targeting.

  • Including your relevant job title helps to showcase your experience within different or similar roles and can help highlight you are suitable for a particular role.
  • Having a public profile on and off LinkedIn shows transparency and leads to more people cruising through your profile thus making it more searchable.
  • Using relevant keywords attracts the relevant audience. Use multiple. For example, if you are a marketer, then ‘marketing’ is not the only keyword in your profile; use more like your field of marketing, your key techniques, your key platforms, etc.
  • Using a professional headshot gives off a great first impression and attracts the audience. LinkedIn calls it the ‘virtual handshake.’
  • Have a complete profile to show that you are truly a professional. Show that you know what you are doing, you have the required qualifications and experience.
  • Be consistently active on LinkedIn. The more active you are, the more your searchability increases. Using it for merely 10 minutes a day also does the task.

LinkedIn Feed Algo

LinkedIn Feed Algorithm is a product of automated technology and a team of professionals. It is designed to ensure that there is only relevant content on the feed and not any spam or unwanted content.

LinkedIn’s feed algorithm works on four key factors:

  • Engagement
  • Quality
  • Relevance
  • Frequency

Here’s how you can appear more often on the feed of both your followers and the demographic that doesn’t follow you:

  • Be opinionated and post content that drives engagement and convinces your audience to start a discussion.
  • Engage with content of other users who belong to the same niche. This helps you to become a part of the community.
  • Using relevant hashtags that have keywords easily identified by LinkedIn’s search engine.
  • Avoid monotony. Use articles, pictures, videos, carousels, and more on your specified topic to get more engagement.
  • Try to start discussions on specific topics rather than broader areas discussed on every other platform.

Mastering both the feed algorithm and the search algorithm is a tricky business. It is absolutely mandatory that you are consistent and patient with your strategies. Only then can you understand the workings of LinkedIn in detail.

Each of these carries a comprehensive significance. Even though some marketers prioritize the feed algorithm more than the search algorithm, I would recommend you try mastering both of them in order to truly beat the algorithm.

3/ How Does It Work In 2023?

If you really want to make your content be seen by the relevant audience, then knowing how the algorithm changes from time to time is of utmost need.

This doesn’t need to be said, that providing value should be your prime significance, but when you are on LinkedIn, your priority needs to be appeasing the algorithm while also providing value.

If you fail to do so, your content might get buried in purgatory. Worry not, I am here to make you understand how LinkedIn will work in 2023. It is always better to understand the algorithm by taking the current year as a pretext.

Here are the three key steps of the algorithm:

Spam OR Genuine?

The first step to determining the audience of a post is by boxing its content in one of these boxes- spam, low-quality and high-quality. LinkedIn does that by considering a wide range of factors.

For instance, a post that contains grammatical errors or has too many links may end up in the spam folder.

Over-posting (every 3-4 hours) and tagging too many people can also be red flags in this case.

A low-quality post doesn’t come under spam, but it still doesn’t reach the ideal audience because the best practices have not been followed. Here’s how your low-quality content can turn into high-quality content:

  • Simple yet impactful way of writing.
  • Provide just the right amount of value.
  • Use minimum and relevant hashtags.
  • Incorporate keywords into your content.
  • Tag the relevant people only who are most likely to respond.
  • Use interactive elements of media when you can.

You’ll Be Tested!

Once the algorithm has established that your post isn’t spam, it tests your content by showing it to a handful of people.

The engagement is then analyzed. Likes? Yes. Comments? Yes. Shares? Definitely. If there is a high amount of engagement, then your post is shown to more people.

Unfortunately, if this is not how it turns out, or worse, if your content is reported as spam, the algorithm won’t be bothered to push it any further.

This whole process takes place in roughly the first ninety minutes of your post. That’s the time that decides your post’s overall performance.

Pass LinkedIn’s test with the help of these tips:

  • Post consistently so your followers don’t forget you.
  • Post at a relevant time, a time your maximum followers are active. This will require experimentation.
  • Try to start discussions by asking questions or prompting one.
  • Respond to any feedback from your followers.
  • Provide value in every post. Don’t post just for the sake of it.
  • Stick to your niche. Your followers follow you for a reason, don’t take that away.

LinkedIn Rewards You!

Once your post qualifies as high-quality content, the algorithm sends it out to a wider audience thus increasing your audience. If more of your followers and connections see it, random users with an interest in that topic will also have a high probability to view it. And if your post performs too well, then strangers with similar interests from all over the world will be interacting with your content.

If your content is Too good, then more people will chime in every time there is newer engagement, and the process goes on until the discussions eventually die out.

4/ Try These New Features

Now that you know how the algorithm works, try out these recently launched features that are algorithm-friendly in 2023 to improve your experience.

  • Live Videos
  • Merge Accounts
  • Video Meetings
  • Edit messages after sending
  • Reactions
  • Name pronunciation audios
  • AI Feedback to Streamline the Hiring Process
  • Carousel images

Wrap Up

Now that you know how the algorithm works, you must have realized why some users have thousands of likes and comments whereas some barely have five.

The point of this whole system is to ensure a fair chance for every single user. Strategize well and use tactics that convince the algorithm to rank your content at a high position.

I think you’re ready to level up your game!

Feel free to schedule a call with a team of experts at Growth Chime for any further experience. Give us the chance to ensure a smooth marketing journey for you!


  1. Is LinkedIn a search engine?
    It may be classified as one, however, other search engines like Google and Bing return web pages, while the LinkedIn search returns user profiles.
  2. Do I need a huge following for my posts to go viral?
    Well, that depends.
    While a huge following does increase your chances, there are a lot of factors that determine the virality of a post. Your post can still go viral if it is strategized well.
  3. How should I write in my Bio?
    Be precise. Make use of all the relevant keywords that describe you professionally. Try using a call-to-action and leave a contact option, preferably your email address.
  4. Why is interacting with other people’s content important?
    On LinkedIn, the algorithm will promote your content if you have a lot of engagement within the first hour. Cross-interactions between users can be mutually beneficial in this case.
  5. How many hashtags should I use?
    Unlike platforms like Instagram and Facebook, LinkedIn doesn’t believe in using hashtags to their total capacity. The algorithm believes in being specific, so using 2-3 relevant hashtags gets the work done.
Financial Analyst at BJC Health Care LinkedIn / Growtth Chime

Building A Strong LinkedIn Network – Quality over Quantity

When you start out on LinkedIn, connections are one of the first features that grab your attention. A lot of users perceive them as Instagram’s follower feature or Facebook friends – but that’s a misinterpretation.

Connections are an integral aspect of LinkedIn. They are the contacts you know personally and trust on a professional level. Once you connect to a particular user, they become your first-degree connection.

There’s also an extended network of connections present. The second and third degree connections come under this, your level of communication depends upon how well you are professionally related to the user.

Having the right and strategic LinkedIn connections can be a game changer. Generalized niche users and specific niche users have different needs. It is always necessary to connect to relevant profiles. The process of connecting and knowing a professional on a personal level can also be beneficial.

When I was a novice marketer on LinkedIn, I made the mistake of connecting to random professionals just for the sake of numbers. I am here to make sure that you don’t make the same mistake.

Let’s dive deeper into this topic.


1/ Things To Remember When Connecting

When you’re new on LinkedIn, it’s a basic urge to want to send a connection request to every user that pops up. Well, I hope you are not doing that.

When on LinkedIn, you’re supposed to remember a few things while connecting to someone. Ask yourself these questions.

  • How well do you know this user?
  • Is this user in your professional field?
  • If this user is a stranger, would connecting to them benefit you?
  • Do you think this user has potential?
  • Is this user your critic? (Explaining this below)
  • Does this user post content that interests you?
  • Is this a demographic-relevant user?

If even a single question is a ‘yes’, then you should connect with this user. However, if all the questions are answered no, then you don’t see a reason to professionally know that person.

In the long run, this process may seem like a drag. Ultimately, it’s a brief decision. Some experts believe that you understand in the first five seconds whether that user will be a valuable connection.

Here are the types of people I would recommend you connect with.

  • Professionals you already know are your key demographic. You know these people. You have worked with them. They are most likely in your professional field. Even if they are not, they can prove to be valuable in your professional future.
  • Professionals you don’t know but are relevant to your niche. Being on a social platform means getting to know strangers, and when it is a professional platform, it means you get to connect with strangers who help you learn and vice-versa. Plus, it is always a good idea to have as many relevant contacts as you can.
  • Professionals you may be related to. At first thought, you must have thought, why would I connect to a relative who belongs to a completely different industry? But when you think about it, you never know who ends up helping you. Connecting to professionals you know at such an extreme level is a smart idea.
  • Users with Potential. When you come across people putting out new ideas or maybe announcing inspiring start-ups, it can be smart to connect with them. It may prove to be helpful once they have gone up the career ladder. Moreover, it would be inspiring to follow their work.
  • Your Rival Critics. That’s right! Knowing what your professional rivals are doing will always keep you on your toes. Moreover, you need people who provide you with much-needed constructive criticism occasionally.

2/ Why Prioritize Connections?

Let’s be honest. We look at our followers count with way more interest than who our connections are. We have all been there. But in all honesty, it is high time that you start prioritizing your connections too if you want to level up professionally. Here’s why!

  • Relevant connections will help you maximize your business success rate.
  • You never know when a connection might be a source of qualified market leads.
  • You may end up turning a connection into a prospective client.
  • Your connections can open newer business opportunities for you.
  • Your connections will endorse your skills when you ask them to.
  • Your connections are more likely to engage with your content than your followers.

Connections on LinkedIn suggest that you know the person professionally and they are their trustworthy business connection. There is a huge difference between a casual contact and a LinkedIn Connection. To change a person from a contact to a connection, they must accept your invitation to join your set of connections. Once they do so, they become a part of your network.

If you are someone who has a lot of connections but a very small portion of it is relevant, you might want to rethink your marketing strategies. The word ’relevance’ comes up in every sub-paragraph, and yes, it is as important as I denote it to be.

3/ How Many Connections Are Enough?

I am sure you must have asked yourself at some point of point, do I have enough connections?

The problem with this question is that there is no correct answer to it. A good marketer can make the best use of 500 connections as well as 30,000 of them!

It’s all part of the process. A user with 30,000 connections also had 500 connections at a time. In fact, the said user also started at zero like everyone else.

The right number of connections ultimately comes down to what your objective is.

In my experience, if you are trying to build a professional network to advance your career, then having a limited set of VERY relevant connections is preferable.

However, if you are marketing a product or a service, which is the case most of the time, having a large connection list can do wonders. The mass appeal is more in the case of connections instead of followers.

Here’s how it goes in different cases:

If you are operating in a specialized niche, then limited connections are the way to go. Here’s a case study for you. This user works in the healthcare industry as a financial analyst. When we investigated these keywords, we found more than 200,000 profiles which made it a broad niche. But we noticed that her content is all based on the company she works in, so we also factored the BJC in the niche, the organization she works at, and we found roughly 500 profiles.

Financial Analyst at BJC Health Care LinkedIn / Growtth Chime

The conclusion was that this profession can come under a specialized niche if narrowed down. This user has 461 connections and happens to be highly successful in her field and LinkedIn had a significant role in this.

Another situation is being a professional in a very well-defined industry. In this case, having more than 500 or 1000 connections is highly recommended! Some users go up to 10,000 or even 30,000 when they have stayed in the industry for too long.

For instance, David Bombal is a very successful LinkedIn marketer. He markets his YouTube content and the courses that he authored as a programmer. These were the prime keywords on his profile. Very broad if you think about it.

David Bombal LinkedIn / Growtth Chime

We found more than 150,000 profiles and it wasn’t possible to narrow it down since David is using LinkedIn for marketing and follows a generalized niche.
Thus, it is appropriate and highly effective for him to have 30,000 connections.

The third category would be an amalgamation of freelancers, consultants, internet coaches, and others. Usually, people in these professions are self-employed and are open to working with a worldwide audience. Clearly, it is highly recommended to have a big connection list. This list usually comprises people from their own niche, and in some cases, like freelancers, the connections may belong to different fields as well.

4/ Your To-Do List

Here’s a simple recap of how connections work, and the basics that if utilized well, can do wonders for your marketing plans!

Connect with others by sending them an invitation, or by accepting their invitation to you. Each new connection can increase your access to thousands of professionals in your existing network. You can have up to 30,000 1st degree connections.

🧙 Pro Tip

You can also decide whether you want your connections to be visible to other users or not.

The process of interacting begins once a message is sent or received by your new connection.

If it would be beneficial for you to know a particular user at a personal level, then send them messages that are equally professional and welcoming. Show interest in their profile, the user should see why it would be mutually beneficial to have you as a close contact.

You can see their updates on your connections’ profiles or on your feed whenever there is something new. Make sure you interact with them! This puts you on the radar, plus there are chances of cross-engagement.

Wrap Up

Well, I think you are ready to go out there again and make some meaningful and relevant connections.

Remember, your LinkedIn connections are like your co-workers. You don’t know them all at a personal level, but you know professional facts about them and that is enough for you to forge relevant relationships with them.

If you are still hesitant to go back there or if this whole thesis seems overwhelming to you, feel free to schedule a 30-minute call with me where a team of professionals will help you out in your journey.


  1. What is the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections?
    – First connections are your direct connections; people who are part of your direct network.
    – Second connections are the connections of your 1st-degree connections, or simply the ‘friends of your friends’.
    – Third connections are LinkedIn users that are connected to your second-degree connections. They are on the outskirts of your network, but you can still connect to them.
  2. Why is there a limit to the number of connections I can have?
    LinkedIn values quality over quantity. It doesn’t want its users to exploit the connect feature by merely connecting to anyone, that would ruin its essence. The 30,000 connections are supposed to be utilized well, and relevant.
  3. Why am I facing issues with connecting to someone?
    – You have exceeded your invitation limit; hence you have been restricted by LinkedIn itself.
    – Too many people selected the option I don’t know you, hence you have been restricted as a consequence.
    – This user was outside of your network.
    – He/she has blocked you for some reason.
  4. When is a user outside my network?
    When you have no whatsoever relation to that particular user, they remain outside your network: they are neither your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-degree connections nor do they share a group with you.
  5. What can I do if someone is outside my network?
    There is no full-proof technique that brings a user into your network but here are some things you can try:
    – Join a group they are also part of.
    – Increase your network with relevant connections.
    – Find and add connections in common. (But do not add random people)

Followers vs Connections: What Really Matters?

When I started out on LinkedIn, one of the first complexities I found was the concept of connections and followers. It was a big part of the software’s User Experience. Also, it wasn’t like Twitter or Instagram; it was different.

Connecting and following are two outlets that LinkedIn provides you to get acquainted with professionals all around the world. Personally, I found this concept more formal than the usual Facebook friends or twitter followers.

Followers and connections are often intercepted as the same by newbies, but is that true? Well, the answer is a clear-cut no, looks like we have a lot of ground to cover. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

LinkedIn followers are people who choose to follow your profile but are not connected to you. Connections are people you are connected to and have accepted your connection request. Connections allow you to message and endorse them, while followers can only view your profile and updates.

However similar these features might look, they happen to have different concepts, different advantages, and different flaws. It’s good to question yourself every once in a while whether out of the two, are you prioritizing the correct feature. Is there a healthy balance between the two?

Let’s dig right in and solve your queries.


    1/ Followers vs Connections: The Difference

    LinkedIn followers are more of a one-sided conversation. On the other hand, connecting allows the platform to be a two-way street. Confused? Let me simplify it.

    When you send a request to connect with a user, you end up following them as well, without realizing it. Unless the user accepts the invitation, it ends up being one-sided. If the user agrees to connect, then they follow you too.

    In terms of interaction, the main difference between LinkedIn followers and LinkedIn connections is that you can only interact with the connections. (Message, endorse, recommend) They also grow your LinkedIn network.

    Followers are less useful, they only get notifications of your new content, nothing else.

    As simple as this must sound, the concept is a little more complicated than this. A few surveys were done and it was found that some users feel that connections are a more powerful tool due to their ‘both-sided relationship nature’. Whereas some users give the upper hand to followers for its sheer simplicity. A user said, “The feature puts my content out there, and I don’t even have to put in the work to form a professional relationship with those users.”

    Keep reading to know more about this. We’ll be discussing both of these in detail.

    2/ Advantages & Flaws of Followers

    The younger creators, including the millennials, have loved the word followers since the rise of Instagram’s popularity. In all honesty, it does feel good to have a large following, be it on any social platform, doesn’t it?

    But is LinkedIn’s followers feature up to the hype? I have shortlisted some advantages and disadvantages of too many followers that can help you analyze your level of prioritization towards this feature.


    • Increased visibility and reach: Having many followers on LinkedIn can help increase your visibility and reach on the platform, making it easier for potential clients or employers to find and connect with you.
    • Professional networking opportunities: LinkedIn followers are often professionals in your industry or related fields, providing valuable networking opportunities to expand your professional network.
    • Increased credibility: Many followers can signal to others that you are an authority in your field and increase your credibility as a professional.
    • Potential for lead generation: Having a strong following on LinkedIn can help generate leads for your business or job opportunities.
    • Increased engagement: A large following can also lead to increased engagement on your posts and updates, helping to boost your visibility and reach even further.


    • The whole process of building and maintaining a large following on LinkedIn can be time-consuming and might not give you the desired result.
    • Quality vs. quantity: Having many followers doesn’t necessarily mean they are all relevant or engaged, and a smaller, more targeted following may be more beneficial in the long run.
    • Potential for fake followers: It can be easy to purchase fake followers on LinkedIn, which can damage your credibility and reputation as a professional.
    • Can be overwhelming: A large following can lead to a lot of notifications and messages, making it difficult to keep up with and respond to everyone.
    • Can lead to unrealistic expectations: Having a large following can create unrealistic expectations about your professional success or abilities, leading to disappointment when opportunities or leads don’t materialize.

    3/ Benefits of Relevant Connections

    When I started out on this platform, connections felt like an entirely new concept, it was overwhelming to understand how many connections I should have.

    Here are some advantages of having a set of relevant connections.

    • Relevant connections will help you maximize your business success rate.
    • You never know when a connection might be a source of qualified market leads.
    • You may end up turning a connection into a prospective client.
    • Your connections can open newer business opportunities for you.
    • Your connections will endorse your skills when you ask them to.
    • Your connections are more likely to engage with your content than your followers.

    Lucky for you, I also have written a blog that is solely dedicated to how connections work and how many you should have. Check it out today!

    4/ How To Prioritize Between The Two?

    The real mind scratcher at the end of the day is the question that how you balance between the two major metrics of LinkedIn. Don’t worry, it can be confusing, we have all been there.

    Here are some important factors you need to consider to understand how you can solve your dilemma and be a success on LinkedIn.

    • Relevancy: Consider the relevancy of your connections and followers to your industry or field. Prioritize connections and followers who are relevant to your professional goals and can provide valuable networking opportunities or professional development.
    • Engagement: Prioritize connections and followers who engage with your content and updates. These individuals are more likely to be active and interested in your professional development, which can lead to more opportunities and leads.
    • Quality over quantity: Rather than focusing on the number of connections or followers focus on the quality of your connections and followers. A smaller, more targeted network of high-quality connections and followers can be more beneficial in the long run.
    • Networking opportunities: Prioritize connections over followers when it comes to networking opportunities. Connections can communicate with you directly and can provide you with access to their network, which can open new opportunities for you.
    • Authenticity: Avoid connections and followers that are fake or have been purchased, as they can damage your credibility and reputation as a professional. Prioritize connections and followers who are authentic and have a genuine interest in your professional development.

    Ultimately, it’s essential to strike a balance between connections and followers and to prioritize those that are most relevant and engaged in your professional development. It takes time, but the results are worth it, trust me on this!

    5/ As a LinkedIn Marketer…

    How do you categorize the users that you come in contact with, be it your followers or connections? Has this question ever struck you?

    It all comes down to what a marketer is marketing, what industry they belong to, and which organization they are from. Knowing how to categorize these users can help you market your product better.

    Here are some categories I would recommend you consider as an up-and-coming LinkedIn marketer!

    • Industry or profession: Categorizing users by their industry or profession can help identify potential clients or customers who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
    • Job title or level: Categorizing users by their job title or level can help identify key decision-makers or influencers within an organization.
    • Company size: Categorizing users by the size of their company can help identify potential clients or customers who work for large or small organizations.
    • Location: Categorizing users by their location can help identify potential clients or customers who are in a specific area or region.
    • Engagement level: Categorizing users by their engagement level can help identify those who are most active and engaged on LinkedIn and are more likely to be receptive to marketing efforts.
    • Interests: Categorizing users by their interests can help identify those who are interested in specific topics or products and are more likely to be interested in your marketing efforts.

    Using these categories, a marketer can create targeted campaigns and messages to reach the right audience and increase the chances of success. The LinkedIn metrics will help you dig deeper into this.

    Wrap Up

    I think it’s safe to say that LinkedIn followers and connections both play an important role in building your professional network and expanding your reach on the platform.

    Followers allow you to expand your audience and share your content with a wider audience, while connections allow you to build deeper relationships and exchange messages with other professionals in your field. It’s important to understand the difference between the two and how to effectively utilize them to achieve your goals on LinkedIn.

    Whether you’re looking to expand your professional network, find new job opportunities, or simply build your personal brand, having a strong presence on LinkedIn is essential.

    Do you have a healthy balance between the two?


    1. When is the best time to send an email?
      The best time to send an email is simply when your contacts want to receive it. Some contacts want a daily, weekly, or monthly email. Other contacts only want to hear from you when you have a discount/offer ongoing. Analysis and consistency come into play here.
    2. How often should I clean out my email list?
      One of the main causes of deliverability issues is poor list hygiene. You should review and clean out your email lists often. We recommend a scheduled clearing out of your email list at least twice a year.
    3. Why you shouldn’t email your complete list at once?
      One of the key strategies of a successful email campaign is segmentation. We recommend you design each message with a target audience in mind and send it just to that audience. This will also increase the engagement of the subscriber with your content.
    4. What is an acceptable email deliverability rate by industry?
      100% deliverability is considered nearly impossible as user mailboxes change often, or people simply leave. An email deliverability rate of 90% or higher, sidelines a successful marketing campaign.
    5. How will changing my IP address affect my deliverability?
      A change of IP address can help you to grow your domain reputation to some extent, but not enough to overcome other negative sending habits, like bad content and low engagement.